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Ashley's POV

The moment I arrived at the airport in Los Angeles Mr Nobody were waiting for me. "Ashley welcome." I nod and hand my baggage to the man next to him. "For your own personal safety I'm going to have to blindfold you."

I stop in my tracks and stare at him. The only man that ever gets to blindfold me is Owen. "You can trust me. We're on the same side this time." The guy with my baggage come closer with the blindfold but I stop him. "Unless your my boyfriend I'd like to blindfold myself."

He gives me a raised eyebrow look but I walk past him and get into the SUV blindfolding myself. After alot of turns and what I can only assume underground buildings we finally stop. I step out and Mr Nobody leads me towards who knows what.

"You may remove the blindfold or does your boyfriend do that too ?" I remove the blindfold. Fold it neatly and look at the young man. Arrogant. "Please excuse him. He is new to this thing. He doesn't really know who you are or who your boyfriend is." I only nod not in the mood for unnecessary details. There is a glass room filled with people.

Dominic's family or crew as I would call them. To my surprise I see Hobbs and Deckard fighting. Deckard. I thought he was still in a blacksite prison. I walk in behind Mr Nobody." Ah who could forget the younger Shaw brother. Former hell ruler. Location now unknown."

He pulls up Owen's file on the screen. Deckard looks over and his eyes soften as he sees me. I turn and look st the rest of the crew that stares at me like I'm a deer caught in headlights. Letty is the first to wrap me in a tight hug. I feel tears on my shoulder and I gently rub her back. As she pulls away she whips her tears and offers me a small smile which I return.

"Cypher approach me first. When I didn't want to do it she went to my brother and caused him alot of trouble. Left him for dead after. So if I have a chance to take her out I'm gonna take it." He doesn't take his eyes off me as he speaks. Guilt overtakes my body. We should have never took Cypher's job.

"So now we are working with the assassin brother and the hell rulers girlfriend. Sounds like we can't go more wrong." Roman I've learned is his name. I like his sense of humor. I have a feeling we will be getting along just great. Ramsey the hacker if I remembered correctly stares at me.

"What?" She shakes her head lightly and then smiles. "Sorry I'm just a little lost for words. In the underworld people talk about you all the time. Hell I've studied some of your methods to perfect my skills. Now I get to finally meet you."  That is the last thing I've thought she would say but I must say I'm impressed with her honesty. Letty laughs. "Well you all will definitely love her once you get to know her. Well and now that she is actually on our side."

The rest of the team snickers and I pull Letty into another hug but I'm not far enough to not hear Deckard's words. "I know I have." I look at him but he looks away. Magdalene words sits in the back of my head. 'Deckard loves you.'

Get it out of your head. You love Owen and you are here to finish a mission. "Okay I just had a brilliant idea." The guy from earlier snicker and mumbles lowly. "This will be good." Roman only gives him a side glance. "Why don't we use god's eye. We went through all the trouble to get it. Why not use it."

From the look Mr Nobody has I'd say they already tried that but nothing worked. "Excellent idea Roman let's fire it up." Roman looks like a cat that just got cream. I stand away near Deckard as Ramsey and a guy named Tec or Tej I'm still learning that. "I'm glad you are safe."

Deckard's voice is low. But enough for me to hear. "Thanks to you. I appreciate all that you've done Deck." He smiles at my nickname. "See we already tried that but it just gives random locations everywhere." Ramsey looks over at me and I only nod at her.

"Okay Tej lets try something else. Follow my lead." She starts typing and the dots start to dissapear. "You reversed her method." Everyone nods impressed. Finally there is only one dot left. "Funny because that is here." Mr Nobody just finished his sentence when an explosive went off.

Masked men walks in and throws grenades to the ground. One is near me but I'm already so disoriented that my body won't move. I feel myself being pushed away and then see how a door falls on Deckard. The same door that would've crushed me.

I try to see what's happening but I can barely make out the shape above Deckard. "You chose the losing team. Guess your brother is smarter than you." She looks up from him and then to me. She smirks and look back down to Deckard. I try to push myself up but my body is numb.

She steps on the door and I can see Deckard is in pain. "Does your brother know about your crush on his girl ? I mean I totally get way. She is definitely something worth fighting over." Cypher starts to walk to god's eye. "Nice job building it into the main frame. Made me come down her to do it myself."

I see Dominic standing in the door with a pistol in his hand. He keeps staring at Letty. I make up enough breath to talk with him. "Dom this isn't you. What's going on ?" His attention shifts to me. For a moment I see happiness and grief but then it's replaced with his stone cold stare. Cypher walks closer. Looks at Letty and then kisses Dom.

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