10 🧭

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Dominic's POV

Knowing Letty she would be here tonight. Just as I thought I see her pulling up at the line. My chance to have a real talk with her.

The race is wild. Cops chasing us too. Shifting gears and seeing her do this makes my heart swell with love. I love this woman.

I finish first with a few inches. A smile on my face I look over she mentions me to follow her. Not to far away she stops and get out.

I walk over to her. She leans back against her car. "Just because you know how I drive doesn't mean you know me." Smiling I step closer. Looks the car over. A beauty.

"Where I'm from we have a saying, show me how you drive I'll show you who you are. V8 engine. Never could resist American muscle."

She looks back at the car. A puzzled look on her face. This must be confusing as hell for her. "Yeah so what else do you know about me?" Grinning. I waited for that question.

Her eyes still have that same spark after a race that always triggered me. "About you? I know everything about you. Like this scar."

I take her left wrist and turn it around. Showing the scar. "You got it when we first met. At your first street race. You were 15. Some guy was trying to show off. Lost control of the car. Took a piece of you. You almost lost your arm."

She giggles and pulls her hand back. Putting it in her back pocket. "Let me guess you saved me?" This is a real ground breaker for me. I wanted to laugh out loud.

"I was the kid showing off." She burst out laughing. That laugh I had missed so much. I pull her tanktop strap away. "This one. You and my little sister were being chased and got trapped in a corner. You thought it would be a good idea to go through the wall."

She moves some of her hair behind her ear. I can see that she tries to remember. "Okay what about this one?" She pulls the hem of her pants down. Revealing the scar on her left hip.

"That was the last night we were together. In the DR. You wanted to go for a night swim. Cut yourself on the shore. I followed you in. Even have the scar to match."

I pull mine down to so that she can see it. I reach up and tug some hair behind her ear. We stay like that for a minute and then she pulls away. Turning to get in her car. I stop her and gave her my cross necklace.

The one that is very dear to my heart. She takes it and then she speeds off. Into the dark night. Just as she leaves an Aston Martin pulls up.

I see Ashley sitting in the front passenger seat. The car stops. Shaw steps out along with Ash. "There she goes. Leaving you again. Bloody fickle, that one."

I look them over. Ashley leans against the car while Shaw steps forward. "You want bloody we can do bloody." Ashley rolls her eyes. Shaw turns towards her with a smile.

"Street kid, starts out stealing DVD players in East LA, ends up heisting $100 million in Rio." Ash smiles. She is more beautiful than I remember. The same blue eyes Dad had. Blonde hair like Mom. "Not bad huh?"

Shaw looks at Ash and then back towards me. "It's a good story, isn't it? Almost inspiring. See, what I couldn't fathom is why he's not relaxing on a beach somewhere with that cute little Brazilian number. Instead, he's working with a two-bit government hack like Hobbs. And then I realized, he has a weak spot."

He refers towards Letty. Our family. I see why Hobbs said he couod be dangerous. "We all got a weak spot." I turn and look towards Ash. She's his weak spot. That is a clear as daylight. I can see his fist flex when he noticed me looking at her.

"You know, when I was young, my brother always used to say, 'Every man has to have a code.' Mine: Precision. A team is nothing but pieces you switch out until you get the job done. It's efficient. It works. But you? You're loyal to a fault. Your code is about family. And that's great in the holidays, but it makes you predictable. And in our line of work, predictable means vulnerable. And that means I can reach out and break you whenever I want."

He is closer now. I can hear the threat in his voice. "So she is just a piece you can replace?" I point towards Ash. She stands up from the car and step forward. "Take your crew Dom and leave. Before someone gets hurt." It's the first time in six years that I've heard her voice.

Shaw's jaw is tightened. I definitely hit a nerve when it comes to Ash. "At least when I go out I'll know what it's for." Ash is stand right next to him. He laughs.

"Well, at least you have a code. Most men don't. So, I'm going to give you a chance: Take your crew and walk away. That's the only way you're going to keep your family safe." He has got the nerve to threaten my family. I look towards Ash. Waiting to see some kind of remorse towards her family.

Shaw puts his arm around her waist pulling her into his side. "Your brother never told you never to threaten a man's family? It's pretty stupid thing to do. I walk away when she walks away."

My eyes meeting Ashley's. I don't recognize her anymore. She stands side ways in Shaw's arm. "Then it appears this inspiring tale has come to an end." A red dot is visible on my chest. Sniper.

"If that's the way it has to go." A red dot appears on Shaw's chest. Ashley pulls away and looks in the direction of Hobbs. Immediately spotting him. Shaw begins to laugh. "Let me guess, Hobbs?"

I take a confident step back. Looking him dead in the eye. "The 'two-bit-goverment hack'." Ashley gives me a desth glare. "See you around Toretto." Shaw turns to walk away but stops when Ashley is not moving.

"You can bet on it." I stare at her. I see tears in her eyes well up. She knows she has to make a choice now. Her family or the man she claims to love.

It's quiet. Light breeze. Shaw stretch his hand out towards her. In my heart I know she'll do what she think is best. What's right for her. She turns around takes Shaw's hand and walk with him towards the car. They speed off.

Hobbs comes closer. "She made her choice?" I feel the hurt in my heart. I lost my sister. For good. I just hope we can get Letty back. "Yeah. Him." I get in my car and speed away.

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