03 🛫

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Ashley's POV

The sun is nearly out. Pulling the oversized hoodie over my head I tip toe down the stairs. Everywhere there is bottles and left over food from the party last night. Mia is gonna have one hell of a job trying to clean everything.

Grabbing my car keys I sneak out of the house. With one last look at the house I feel my heart is getting heavy. Have to go now. Speeding off towards my favorite diner.

The diner is not really busy. I mean it's barely 7 in the morning. I see Rose coming out from the back. Looking over her shoulder to see if somebody would spot her. Moving towards me with no trouble.

"Morning girl. You weren't kidding when you said you will be here early." Nodding my head I look out from under my hood to the door that is opening. Bunch of teenagers coming in and making their way down towards a booth.

"Keth said that this would be all you needed. He organized everything for you. The key to the place is inside." She slides the paperbag towards me. I glance inside and see everything I asked for. Placed into sections so that I'll be able to find everything needed. Quick.

"Untraceable?" She glances over her shoulder and moves closer to me. "Trust me. Keth knows what he's doing." I look down at the bag again. Am I doing the right thing ?

Of course. It's fucking time. Picking up the gym bag I slide it under the table towards her. "$3500. As promised." She lifts the lid with her foot. Eyes wide when she realizes that I'm speaking the truth.

"I hope you find what your looking for Ash." With that she picks up the bag and disappears into the back. I stand up and stuff the paperbag under my hoodie.

Speeding towards the garage. Hopefully Dom is not here yet. As I pull onto the street I see Harry's truck in front of the shop. Fucking Brian. As I get out I see him standing up from his spot on the ground.

"Hey Ashley. When are you opening up?" I raise an eyebrow at him. Like he cares. All he wants is Mia in his bed. The way things are going he'll be lucky by the end of this week. "Mia won't be in today. She has a recruitment test at the college."

Passing by him I unlock the shop. Thinking he would leave I'm badly mistaken. "Look Ashley I really am sorry about what happend." I stop and turn towards him. His blue eyes. There is something hidden inside them.

"What are you hiding Brian?" He looks suprised and then it chances to shock. "Don't give me that look. I don't trust you. I don't care if Dom sees you as the lost brother or Mia sees her babies in your eyes. Stay. Out. Of. My. Way." He lifts his hands in surrender.

Starts to walk backwards. "I don't know what I did to offend you but I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm a good guy." With that he hops into the truck and off he goes. I hurried inside Dom's office. Searching for a piece of paper. Something.

Finally found it.

Dear Dominic & Mia
I'm sorry. This is not working for me anymore. I hope you can forgive me one day. But I gotta do what's right for me at the moment. I love you guys.

Staring at my note for awhile. Folding it and placing it infront of our family photo. I feel a tear running down my cheek. Whipping it away I walk out the office. Out of the shop. Locking it. Not looking back as I get into my car.

In the rearview I can see it disappear. It's better this way. I need to get out of here. At the airport I book my ticket. London. Leaves in a half hour. Call it luck because there were only 10 tickets left.

As I make myself comfortable on the plane. I can feel the tension starting to lift. My heart beats fast but not because I'm scared. But because I'm so excited for what's to come.

Dangerous Woman Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon