08 🐼

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Dominic's POV

Hobbs unfolds his arms. It's like he tries to connect the dots. Brian looks everyone over. Tej takes the folder and put it behind him. "Okay so there is no need for the rest of the pictures."

I look at him stretch my hand out towards him. He looks at it for a moment and then pulls the folder back with another picture.

 He looks at it for a moment and then pulls the folder back with another picture

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A picture of her and Shaw. Shaw looks possessive over her. Has the look in his eyes that tells everyone to fuck off. She's is his. His only. I look at the photo and slam it onto the table.

Brian looks at it and widens his eyes slightly. "How the hell did she end up with him?" The anger and betrayal is ruining deep in my veins. How could she do this. To me. To our family.

Hobbs picks up the picture. "He looks like he would destroy heaven and hell for her. Maybe we can use that." Tej begins to laugh.

"No no no. She is dangerous. A dangerous woman. She is trained in special weapons use. Hand to hand combat. Marital arts. Kick boxing. Sniper skills. Mechanical skills. Technical skills. Fuck even a excellent strategist."

This doesn't even suprise me. She always wanted to do just that. I didn't want her to join the military. Thought it would change her. It drove her away. Away into the bed of the enemy.

"Okay so she knows how to handle herself. What about him?" Hobbs steps closer. Places both hands firmly on the steel table. Riley is station slightly back.

 Riley is station slightly back

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Owen Shaw

Tej pulls his file out. Picture on the table he begins to explain. "Major in Special Forces. Highly trained. Combat, sniping, weapons you name it. He is the leader but it would also seem that they follow Ashley."

This just got a whole lot more complicated. Brian needs to tell Mia. I don't want her finding this out on the news or something.

Brian's POV

Leaving the group I take my phone out to call Mia. Two rings and she picks up. Her voice is worried but she sounds happy to hear from me.

I tell her we found Letty but she has no memory. We talk and talk and I finally scrape up enough courage to tell her.

"We also found Ashley." There is silence on the other end. Almost like she dissapeared. Difference is I can hear her uneven breathing.

"You found her? She's alive? She's okay?" I can hear the tears running down her cheeks. She is happy. Relieved. I don't want to give her hope and then destroy it.

"Yeah she's okay. More than okay. Mia she's with Shaw." Once again the line is quiet. "With Shaw ? As in.." There is probably no easy way to tell her this. Rip the bandage off.

"As in she sleeps with him." I hear something break. Assuming she broke a glass. I hear the hover in her voice. "No she wouldn't. That's not Ash."

This breaks my heart. She looks up to Ashley. Even after she left. It nearly broke Mia. But she prayed everyday that she would return.

"I'm sorry Mia. I've got to go. We have some leads to follow up." I hear her soft cries. Fuck Ashley. "Yeah you do that. Don't hurt her Brian. Please promise me you won't hurt her."

This is the amazing thing I love about Mia. She cares so deeply. "I'll try my absolute best. I love you Mia." I hear her whipping her cheeks. "I love you too."

Then dead silence. The line is dead. I look over to where Dom is standing. He looks broken. Like someone ripped his heart out. Not only did Shaw take the love of his life but he also took his sister from him.

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