12 🎢

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Dominic's POV

Waiting for Brian's return is killing me. We need to leave because Shaw is planning on hitting a military base. Just as we were about to leave he wals through the door.

Greeting everyone. Walks straight towards me. "Braga told me about Ashley and Shaw." If Braga know who Ashley is that means she knew about Letty. "She choose him Brian."

He doesn't look shocked. So that means Braga told him something. "Fuck I keep on getting this images inside my head. My little sister. MINE. In bed with him."

I slam my fist against the car. "She was a virgin when she disappeared. I knew because she and Mia had to get checked out every six months at a gynecologist to confirm a negative test for Ovarian cancer. My mother had it."

Brian listens closely. I still see the way he pulled her closer by her waist. "He took the innocent sister away from me. Untill she is no longer of use right." Taking deep breaths I need to calm down.

"No. He loves her. Braga confirmed it. Shaw doesn't have the final say in things. They lead together. She's his world." This pisses me off even more. If I never dismissed her needs. She wouldn't have left. She would be with us today. Taking Shaw down not fucking him.

Ashley's POV

"Alright I just sended Adolfson. Let the games begin." I walk past Letty. She gives me a dirty look which is being followed by Vegh giving her a look. Shaw kisses the the top of my head. Now we wait.

About an hour later we get a confirmation that the tank is being transported. We get inside the vehicle's and take off. As we approach the first car Denlinger takes it out with ease. We get on top of the container. Shaw, Jah, Letty and me.

Once inside the tank. Jah takes control. I'm in control of satellite. Jah take the wheel. Shaw gives the orders with control over weapons. Letty is the backup. "Dominic is here."

I see Letty's eyes widen slightly. We take out a whole bunch of cars. Letty getting paranoid. "You don't have to do this Shaw." She turns towards me. Trying to tell me to get him to stop. "Sir here is one right infront of us."

Shaw's smile breaks lose and not long after Roman as we learned who he is escaped. Now we're dragging his car behind us. "Letty go take care of the cable."

She looks at us but gets up and do do it. "Alright Toretto. Here's your girl and your freedom." I look as he takes the shot at Dom. Just as the shot goes I feel the car pulling us down.

The tanks flips. Everything is happening in slow motion. I regain concession with a very dead Jah on top off me. "Baby are you okay ? Can you hear me?"

I see Owen's face but soon again lost consciousness.

Dominic's POV

I see how Letty flies through the air. Grabbing her and landing on top that car was a miracle. I get up with her and turn to look at the tank. Upside down. "Dom your sister is inside."

I sprint towards the tank. As I reach it I see Shaw carrying her out. She is unconscious. There is actually tears running down his face. Her face is bloody but he puts her down. Tries to talk with her. I walk up to take her but he pushes me back. Hard.

"Stay the fuck away, Toretto." He kneels back down by her. Taking her head and putting it into his lap. His crying. I see police and medics coming closer. He fights them but the medics take her and the police arrested him.

Back at the base Shaw is in a prison cell. My mind keeps going back to Ashley's lifeless body. Hobbs and Riley walks in. I immediately get up. "We only have Shaw, Denlinger and Adolfson. Ivory and Jah is dead with Vegh missing."

They look over at Letty. She looks at them. They won't touch her. I'll make fucking sure. Just then two men brings Shaw towards us. He looks like a mess. Ashley.

The general steps forward. "Your girlfriend will be fine. She regained consciousness a few minutes ago after her surgery. Broken arm with a few cuts and bruises to the face. Surgery fixed the internal bleeding."

A relieve washes over me. I thought she died. I see the relieve on Shaw's face. Tension leaving his shoulders. "Well thank you General. Now I have something you need to hear. When was the last time you spoke with your wife, Brian?"

Mia. Jack. What has the bastard done. Brian pulls out his phone and calls. We can hear Mia scream for help before the line dies. Brian launch forward. Roman pulls him back.

"This is how it's going to work. You'll release Ashley from the hospital. Let her go unharmed. Release me and my men. Your sister won't get hurt. If I see one of you follow she'll be died." My blood is boiling beyond the average point.

How could Ashley possibly love someone like this? Hobbs gets the keys from the General and Shaw begins to walk away. "You coming?" I turn and watch Letty closely.

She looks at him with hatred. "Of course." Riley turns and walks towards him. Everyone is shocked right now. Even Hobbs.

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