02 🔆

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Ashley's POV

When I arrived back home I rushed inside. There Dom sat on a chair and coming down the stairs the guy from before. "So you found him."

Mia looks at me apologetically. Dom raises an eyebrow. Rolling my eyes I start to go up the stairs. I feel a grib on my arm and see it's the guy from before.

"Sorry about the punch earlier. It really wasn't meant for you. I feel shit about it." I gave him one look and started going up the stairs again. "Where's your manners Ashley?"

Dom's voice reaches my ear and I feel the irritation. "All good." Without looking back I reach the top. "I'm Brian by the way" I turn on my heel. Looking at him. His blue eyes not so bright in the dark room.

"Not a single fuck was given." With that said I made my way to my room. Slamming the door hard. Mia always says that Dom and I are alike. That is the reason for our constant fights.

I just wish he could take the time to understand me.

Dominic's POV

I look as Ashley dissapeared up the stairs. The door slam is heard. I was about to get up but Letty made her way onto my lap. "Relax. She is pissed. Let her cool off."

Taking a sip from my beer Brian makes his way towards us. "I'm really sorry about your sister man." I just gave him a nod. I love Ash but she has this dangerous ways of her.

"You can't control her life Dom. She is going to rebel against every choice you make." Mia speech me as she has her arms crossed. Vince left being pissed that I told Brian to stay.

"Don't lecture me Mia." She rolls her eyes and disappears into the kitchen. "How about we go upstairs and you give me a massage?" Letty's words bring a smile onto my face.

I stand up and take her hand. "You boys better look after this house. I still want it in one piece after this." Leon crosses his heart and I know he will not break that promise.

On our way up I stop at Ashley's door. One knock and no answer. "I know that you're pissed Ash but I love you." No reply. That's how she is. She'll come around eventually. Picking Letty up we make our way into the bedroom.

Ashley's POV

I know Dom means well. I just don't like it. I heard every word he just said but pretend not to. Not in the mood to handle him. Picking up my earphones I plug them in.

Music always had a calming effect on me. I wish Dad was still here. Mom too. Life would've been so much different.

Mia seems way to cozy with that Brian dude. I think she likes him. It's not that I don't like him it's just something doesn't feel right with him.

With that thoughts in my head I start to drift off into a dreamless slumber.

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