22 🚆

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Ashley's POV

She looks at me. Smiles and get up. Like she didn't just threaten me a few seconds ago. "You definitely have the Shaw fire." I'm pretty confused and then I click what's going on.

"This was all a test right ?" She nods and walks closer to me. They really have a thing for trust in this family. "I didn't lie when I said Deckard has feelings for you. That all was true."

I nod at her words. Deckard won't be a problem. "Well I don't have feelings for him. I love Owen." She nods in approval. She starts to walk towards the door. "Come on. I have something to show you."

What is she talking about ? I follow her outside. The two guys from earlier is standing there by the car. Each has their sunglasses on. The one opens the door for Magdalene. She gets in and then shows me to get in as well.

I close the house door behind me and lock it. I have no idea where we are going but I'm curious to find out. I get into the car and the guy closes the door. Gets in the front and we start to drive.

"Where is Deckard? I haven't heard from him in a week." Magdalene looks outside to the people on the sidewalk. "He's in L.A trying to take your brother down." Why the hell would they be there.

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. "They're making a trap for him. There is a reason they choose L.A. It's where we grew up. We know the streets there like the back of our hands."

I can see how Magdalene hands tense with every word I spill. "If they hurt my son." I can feel the pain radiating from her. She would be devastated. Both her sons hurt by the same guy they all know as my brother.

Dominic's POV

It's a one on one with Deckard Shaw and I. I won't lose. He almost killed my family. His family turned my sister against us. I will rip them apart.

"You ready Toretto?" I crack my knuckles and step out of the crashed car. "Where is Ashley?" Deckard stsrts to laugh. Crack his head and back.

"Oh she is safe and sound in my house." That words made my blood boil. So she changed her taste. Couldn't be with the younger brother so the older one would do.

"If you hurt one little piece of hair on her head." Deckard lifts an eyebrow. Raise his hands slightly. "Then what ?" This guy knows how to work on ones nerves. Fuck the whole family knows.

"I will end you like I ended your brother." I see the smirk dissapear from his face. I definitely hit a nerve. "Well then you probably should know that your sister is currently in bed with my brother."

I frown at his words. What does he mean his brother ? Do they have another one. "The one you tried to kill by throwing him out a plane. Yeah They're fucking as we speak and I must say Owen always knew how to fuck a girl."

I launch forward. I'm beyond angry with him and his words right now.

Ashley's POV

We are driving for about two to three hours now. I'm kind of tired. Then I worry about Deckard and I worry because I haven't seen Owen in about two weeks.

I miss him. I miss his touch, his kisses, his looks. Fuck I miss everything about him. We arrive at a beautiful farm house. It is a huge house. My breath got caught in my throat at the sight kf the house.

I've never seen such beauty. I slowly climb out of the car. Not taking my eyes of the house. "It's beautiful isn't it ?" I nod my head. I look around and see the green fields with a few farm animal's near.

This place is breathtaking. "Come on." I look over and see Magdalene start to walk towards the house. I follow after her. Quickly not in the mood to fall behind.

The inside of the house is just as gorgeous. My heartbeat gets faster with every look. How is it possible for one place to look this beautiful. Magdalene gently takes my hand and we go up the stairs. We walk in silence as I look around and see some paintings.

There are a few family photos too. I'll take a closer look at them later. We arrive at a door. "You open it." I frown at her but do as she says. I place my hand firm on the handle.

Slowly turning it. I push it open with some kind of fear and excitement mix. As the light from the room catch my eye I see someone standing infront of the big windows that's looking out over the far end of the farm.

My body feels like it could go into shock. Every sense is heighten right as the person turns to look at me.

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