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Ashley's POV

I wake up with curtains pulling away and sunlight entering. I roll over and open my eyes. Next to my bed stands Mia. Confused I sit up straight. Looking around me.

My old room. I'm in LA. Mia looks over at me. Smiles and sits down on the bed. "The doctor gave you something. It knocked you out for about 3 days." I push myself back up against the headboard.

"What am I doing here?" Mia sighs. Looks down and then back up again. "Dom convinced Hobbs to let you off the hook. To tell the government Shaw blackmailed you. Manipulated you."

The sound of Shaw's name brings attention to the situation. "So he killed the man I love and tries to build this family back up." Anger is throbbing through my veins. Mia comes closer. My eyes are full of furry.

"Ash please. Let's put this in the past. We can move on. There are other men out there. Shaw was not a good fit." This angers me more. I push her hand away. Rudely. Got out of bed. Tears running down my face.

 Tears running down my face

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"Get over him. I lost the love of my life Mia ! Fuck you all. I'm not staying here." I storm out the room down the stairs with Mia screaming behind me.

Dom stands at the door. He tries to stop me from running out but I push him out the way. Hard. Outside I see Brian looking over. He is strapping Jack in his car chair.

I reach the tree and my knees want to give out

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I reach the tree and my knees want to give out. The grief I feel with losing Owen is overwhelming. It feels like I can't breath. The next moment I'm forced to the ground with a loud BOOM!

I slowly lift my head to see what happend. The house is blown up. Mia jumps up. Runs towards Brian and Jack. Dom looks back at the house. I take this opportunity to dissapear around the corner.

What the fuck just happened. I make my way towards the old dinner. Inside everything is still the same. Even the people. I make myself comfortable in a booth.

My phone vibrates.

Ashley. Please come back. I'm sorry about Shaw. It was insensitive. He's brother is after us. He killed Han. Almost killed us. Please, please come back.

Mia sounds desperate. Owen's brother killed one of their precious team members. Good for him. Just as I make my way to get up from the booth someone slides in.

Pulls me down by my wrist. Immediately I want to defend myself. Looking up I see a handsome man sitting infront of me. In a suit. "So your the blonde my brother can't get enough of?"

British accent. Owen's brother. My breath is caught in my throat. I stare at him. Trying to read him. I stand up to leave but his hand grabs my wrist once again. "Grab me like that again and you won't have a hand left."

Yanking my wrist loose. He has a amused smirk on his face. "That's why he keeps you. Your feisty." I arch an eyebrow at him. Turn on my heel to walk but his words stop me.

"He's alive. In a coma but alive." I look back at him. My heart skips a beat or four. Sitting back down. I look to see if he's joking. "He is a tough bastard. I'm here to hunt the people who crippled him."

He's alive. That's all I hear over and over again. "Where is he ? I want to see him." Standing up with determination. He looks at me. Analyzing. "You want to see him ?"

Rolling my eyes. I look back at him. "Did I stutter?" He raises a eyebrow. Well I'm not getting anywhere. As I turn he speaks. "It suprises me to hear you want to see him after I told you I'll hunt your family down."

I put one hand on the table. Lean in close to him. "Burn their lives to the ground for all I care. I just want to be with Owen." I turn and walk out the door. Waiting outside. Few minutes pass. He comes out. Sunglasses on.

"He's in London. I hospitalized him there. Tell me why shouldn't I kill you ? Your here with your family.." I raise my hand to cut him off. "Their not my family. His my family."

I get into my car. Speeding off towards the airport. Dom, mark my words. I will hunt you down with him. I'll make you pay for this. You should've walked away.

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