Picture Me Perfect

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Sophie's POV

I sat across from Logan. I was uneasy with what Ashley had told me. Did Logan really have drawings of me? I had to get him to show me. Of course, I knew the whole thing of him liking me was bogus. He and I could barely stand each other, so the idea he may have a crush on me? Was not happening.

But my mind keeps going back to those drawings. How do I get him to show me those sketches? If I know him right, he probably drew pictures of me making ugly faces, or doing crazy posses. I can not allow him to send those along with his university application.

If possible, I'd steal them and burn them.

Without thinking, my pencil tapped on my notebook repeatedly. I leaned my chin on top of my palm, with my elbow resting on the island top.

"Soph?" I could hear a faint voice, but my mind mechanized how I would get him to show me those darn drawings.

"Sophie?" Logan called out my name, startling me and making me jump in place.

"Huh?What, Logan? Don't yell at me. You scared the hell out of me." I placed my pencil down and gulped on my soda.

He chuckled, nodding his head and hanging his head low. He cleaned his hands with a napkin and then his lips. Standing, he took the wrapper of his food to the trash bin and tossed it inside.

"I said I'm all done eating. Should we start working?" He said as he came back and sat across from me on the kitchen island.

"Oh, um, yeah. I've been waiting for us to start for the past hour or so." I said sarcastically, making him roll his eyes.

"We've only been here for twenty minutes or so Soph! Don't be so dramatic." He grabs his book bag off the floor and gets a few books out, reaching over to where he had left the list of books Mrs. McGee had assigned to us for this report.

"Ok, so she's giving us the option of ten books. If we split five and five it should be easier don't you think?" He says as he places more books on the counter.

I narrowed my eyebrows, realizing these are the books on the list. "When, and where did you get these books?" I asked pointing towards the stack of books on the countertop, grabbing one in my hand.

He smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "I got them from Mrs. McGee. I went back after our second class break and asked her for help finding them. She said she had been waiting for the first person to come to ask for help, and she happily gave me a copy of each book on the list." He says proudly, making me roll my eyes.

"Well, aren't you a charmer? Wait! You've been caring all these books AND your football gear on you all day?" He shrugs his shoulders tilting his head to the side and sipping on his soda.

"Yeah! Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. It's just. Didn't your back get tired of caring for all that? Plus all the books all the other teachers have been passing out today? I mean, I didn't get a lot of books passed out today, and yet my back is already feeling sore." I say as I slouch forward, gripping my shoulder with my hand.

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