NYU Bound

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"I know mom, I was going to go back to school. That was my plan. But, then uncle Danny stopped me at the lobby. He told me to wait for him so I could take Ashley with me to get some ice cream. Which is why she is now covered in chocolate. You know she can't eat chocolate ice cream without getting it all over herself!" Ashley socked me on my arm as I made fun of her.

She had a huge chocolate ice cream stain on the top of her dress. I tried to avoid the menacing look on mom's face as she stood before me with her arms crossed next to uncle Danny and Derreck.

Ashley and I were in the middle of our second scoop when mom walked in looking for us.

She looks over towards uncle Danny, I don't her arms, and places one hand over her hip. "Uh, in my defense, it was better for Logan to keep her company than for her to be out in the lobby all alone. Wouldn't you agree?... Derreck?" He looks at mom first and then towards Derreck for reinforcement.

"Danny, I appreciate all that you did for us. You are my guardian angel forever and ever, but! I do not like Logan missing or skipping class. You know that. Especially with graduation so close. What will NYU think when they see truancy on his records?"

"No offense mom, but NYU would be crazy not to take me, taken they already offered me a full scholarship for football and they also accepted my artwork for a second degree," I said as I devoured my last scoop of ice cream.

I looked over towards mom as the spoon filled my tongue with the delish taste of Mississippi mud chocolate ice cream. Mom's face was left in shock. I hadn't told her about the news. No one knew in fact, not even Sophie since I had just gotten the news this morning when the coach called me into his office.

"Logan! Oh my God! Are you for real? Oh my God!" Mom covered her mouth jumping up and down excitedly. Then she pulled me up making me spill the melted ice cream in my cup, getting some of it on my pants right down my knee.

"Mom!" She engulfed me into a tight bear hug, rocking me side to side.

"Oh, God! Mom? You're cutting. Off. My. Circulation. Can't. Breath!" She laughed pulling away and slapping my arm.

"Oh cut it out. You are so dramatic!" She giggles and cups my face. "I am so proud of you baby. You are such a great young man, and the best son in the world, you know that?" She smiles, her eyes filling with unshed tears.

"Hey! What about me? I got straight A's you know? Well, all except for history. I hate history, it's so boring!" Ashley adds making us laugh.

"Hey, everyone. I umm, I just wanted to come by and say goodbye. I'm leaving tonight. Ashley baby, I'll miss you. Logan, son. I just wanted to say I -"

"Save it. I don't want to hear your lame excuses." I cut dad off as he slowly walked towards us, making him stop in his tracks as he hears my words.

"Logan, son, I-"

"I said I don't want to hear it. I don't want to talk to you or your mistress. I don't care who you are, or how much power you think you have. You may be daddy's bratty little girl, but you are one of the worst lawyers all Chicago has to offer. If it wasn't for the prestigious awards your dad's firm has been granted over the years, you and your dad wouldn't even be known. You are nothing without daddy's money." I blurted out making Cynthia's face turn red in rage.

She opened her mouth ready to speak. I clenched my jaw ready to hear her stupid remarks lash back at me.

"Let it go, Cynthia. Logan, son, I know I let you down. I promise I will do everything in my power to make it up to you, your mom, and Ashley. I promise son."

"Again, save it. I don't care anymore. I'll see you at home mom. I'm going to go pick up my girl." I said as I pulled my car keys out and took off.

Mom and dad called out after me, but I was so mad I ignored them and kept walking.

It was almost time for school to end. Mr. Mitchell had a huge meeting in California and was going to be out for the rest of the week. He had only gone to give me the good news and to tell us that practice was canceled for the rest of the week. So, this meant I could get some more time and with my favorite girl in the world.

Two weeks later (mid-February)

Third Person POV

Logan and Sophie have become stronger together as a couple. Logan still pranks her from time to time, but she always finds a way to get back to him. Though now, the pranks are only to make each other laugh.

Logan received all his money back, plus 8% interest. His dad thought it was the least he could do to make it up to him, but Logan still refuses to talk to him.

Cynthia broke up with Charles right after she found out about the agreement and the money. But she came crawling back a few days after. Though now, things are different. Charles set his own rules and regulations regarding his family. She no longer has a say on what is done regarding Logan, Ashley, or Riley.

Derrick still checks on Riley from time to time. Their talks get more extended each time they talk, and Riley is now starting to realize that Derreck may have feelings for her. But, it's too soon for her to start a new relationship. For now, they are good friends, better than they were before.

Hailey is getting back to her healthy habits, and she feels so much better than before. Today, she went in for her last and final radiation.

Her hair is finally coming back. Though it looks like a tiny peach fuss. Nonetheless, it is finally coming back. Her eyebrows are growing back as well, and faster than the hair on top of her head.

As a celebration, Sophie is driving her in Logan's car to get a tattoo above her scar. She's scared out of her mind, but she's also excited about what's to come.


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