Well Damn

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The days snuck up on us like a ghost in the night, and they were full of pain, tears, and many- MANY obstacles.

I worked overtime to finish all my missed assignments and turned them in before Christmas break came during the nights. But the days were torture for us. We worried if mom would collapse again while dad had to be away in the vineyard, and us attending school.

There were times when I'd run home and find her crouched down in pain, holding her left breast, which was where the lumps of cancer had been detected. I felt so stupid, not knowing what to do. I'd go in panic mode, and cry along with her. It's as if cancer had waited for the news to get out to hit her harder.

Dad hit me with the news that he had turned in my packet for the trip to Barcelona, but I refuse to go. How could I go under these circumstances? He had to be out of his mind! I refuse, and I repeat, I refuse to go on that trip this year.

I want to stay back and be with mom. I don't want to move from her side. It's torture enough to be at school for so long. I need to learn to control myself and have a level head, to learn how to help her, and to know what to do when she needs help.

What if she faints again and there is no one to help her? I need to take all the necessary precautions.

I can't help but call her at least twice in the day to check up on her. Sometimes she laughs and says she's ok, but others, I know she's trying to force her voice. That's when I know she's feeling tired and weak.

Aaron and Jason took the news pretty hard as well. Especially our little brother, Jason. He took it pretty hard and has been sleeping in mom's bed every night. He cries when he sees her getting tired or when she has to stop to catch a break because of her dizziness or a nauseous episode.

Today is the last day of school before we go off to Christmas break and begin our winter break.

I never thought I'd say this- but, I hate being in school.

I have avoided everyone at all costs. I leave soon as each bell rings to avoid Logan talking to me, and I make sure to sit far away from him. I know everyone has noticed it's over between us. I can feel their stares of pity and hate, depending on who looks of course.

Amber and her crew of Barbies waste no time instigating and throwing their latest remarks of hate towards me. They make sure they know I am on their hate list, and they despise me. But, honestly? I can care less.

Tonight, the football team has a big game against Ridley High, our school's biggest rival. They will be playing for the last game of the semifinals for our entire county. If they win, our school might be going to the state championship playoffs.

I heard from a new friend, Blair that they almost lost the game two weeks ago. They came back and won by a single point, due to the last kick-off that Sam took.

I have no intentions of attending either. Mom is due for a meeting with her doctor in New York. For the first time, I will be traveling with her, and dad will be staying with the boys.

The bell to the last class finally sounds off, and I quickly grab my bag and leave, not hesitating one extra second to be in this wretched school. I need to get home, and I need to get home now.

I spent all night gathering my bag, and soon as I get home, I will be driving to the airport with mom to go to New York for the next three days.

"Sophie, wait," Troy calls out, but I keep walking towards the school's exit.

"Sophie!" He yells out my name again making my irritation increase. I turn angrily " What? Troy, I have to go. Can we not do this right now, please?" I ask him staring at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

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