Coldest Christmas Ever

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The days after Mrs. Patterson's surgery were hard for everyone. I talked to mom daily, making sure she kept me updated on the situation.

Apparently, dad was not going to back down on his lawsuit against mom. The only way that he would undo the whole case was if mom agreed to go back with him, which I don't blame mom for telling him off.

Derreck's office was not so far from the hospital, so I met up with him every chance I got to talk to him. It looks like mom may be able to win the case since dad had neglected to pay child support for us, and has not seen Ashley for over a year. She also had the upper hand since Steven and I had already witnessed them being lovey-dovey during the summer cruise.

He has no idea I have videos of him being a little too friendly with her. But that is a surprise I'm willing to wait until it's time for the court date.

Sophie has had it really hard. Her mom is agonizing because of all the radiation her body is receiving post-surgery. She rarely moves from her mom's side.

The thing that bothers me most is that stupid doctor. he seems to like pissing me off, being all friendly to Sophie, especially when I'm around.

I wanted to make them feel special today since it's Christmas eve and have Aaron and Jason go out for a little to ease their minds from all the tension in the air.

"Hey, how are my two favorite girls in the world this morning?" I asked as I knocked lightly on the door and went inside. Mrs. Patterson and Sophie turned towards me. Mrs. P sat up with Sophie's help as I went inside. I rushed over to help Mrs. P while Sophie fixed her pillows.

"Hi, Logan. How are you, sweety?" Mrs. P asked while Sophie smiled at me.

"I'm great. Not as great as you Mrs. P, you look beautiful this morning. The color in your cheeks is coming back," I said smiling making her blush. Sophie smiled nodding her head.

"You are such a sweet talker Logan. No wonder my daughter is in love with you." I looked at Sophie feeling warm inside by Mrs. P's revelation. We have been in this hospital for nearly a week and a half. Mrs. P has three more days to go before she is allowed to transfer back to Tennessee. Once home, she will have to follow up on her radiation and chemo for the remaining time.

"Mom, why don't I get you a cup of water, will you like that? I, uh, I'll be right back. ok?" Sophie said moving quickly towards the door.

Mrs. P and I smiled as she frantically walked past us. "Hi, daddy. Hi boys." She said quickly, moving past her brothers and her dad as they entered the room with flowers and a teddy bear for Mrs. P. "Hi, sugar bear. Where are outgoing?" Mr. Patterson asked without getting a response from Sophie as she continued to walk past them.

Mr. P turned back to us bewildered by Sophie's abrupt leave from the room.

Mr. P nods, gesturing to me to follow her. I glanced at the boys and Mrs. P who nod in unison. I quietly move past them, pursing my lips, and run out of the room once I pass MR. Patterson.

I walk towards the vending machine where Sophie likes to grab her now favorite chocolate chip cookies. She stands quietly against the machine with her arms behind her back, her head against the machine with her eyes closed.

"Sophie?" I call out to her quietly, startling her and making her jump in place. She quickly away, wiping her tears.

"H- Hi, Logan." She answers making my heartache. Though she has been trying her best to stay strong and put a brave face in front of her mom, I've noticed that she still struggles to hold back her tears now and then; hints- the reason why she sometimes leaves the room with an excuse to use the restroom or grab something from the vending machines to come and cry quietly where no one else can see her.

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