Chapter 1 the ship

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(A/N Okay so I'm not going to write what happened on the way to Neverland, but if you've seen the episode, basically they capture a mermaid and turn her into the wood and Rumplestiltskin leave and is now on Neverland)

The Jolly Roger had crashed. (I know it doesn't actually, but for the sake of the story, it does)The only place I had memories worth remembering, was now scattered across the ocean. dad and Charming were bickering as we walked up to shore.
"Enough!" Emma yelled, sounding infuriated! "Look, if we're gonna find Henry, we need to work as a team." She said now, determined and walking in front of all of us.
"You want us to work together?" I ask in a snotty tone. I know it's kind of mean, but I'm a pirate, what can you expect.
"Yes." She said not noticing the tone of my voice. "As crazy as 2 pirates, a prince and a princess, an evil queen working together sounds. We have to do it"
"Damn, that was a good speech," I said, sounding a bit like a 12-year-old boy. (I'm 16 by the way) there was an awkward pause. My dad and I made eye contact and I gave him an 'it's worth a try' kind of look.
"Okay, then I guess it wouldn't be too hard." My dad said, giving a slight laugh.
"For once I agree with the pirate." Charming agreed
"Now we're getting along," my dad said in a sarcastic but happy voice.
"Well," Snow said stepping beside her daughter, "Why not"
"Well, Emma, you wanted to lead." Regina started "Lead."

we walked through the deep jungle cautiously, me and my dad leading the way.
I had never actually been here myself but, I had read every map there was on the ship. Neverland was tricky though. It had some sort of dangerous plant or rock around every corner. to be honest I'm surprised that my dad made it out alive. He was the one who found out the king was a fraud. and had bad form.

We were walking for what seemed like hours, we were all hat and sweaty, we felt so tired and ready to collapse.
We finally made it to a cliff's edge, it was over the top of the dark forest.
"Why'd we stop?" the prince asked, sounding annoyed.
"Well if you want to live the night you might want to stay here, maybe make camp." my dad said.
"Well, why can't we keep going?" Emma asks, walking forward. I put my sword in front of her blocking her from going any further.
"If you want any chance of saving your boy, we need to make camp. That's the darkest part of the island, and the most deadly." I answer.
"You expect me to sleep when my son's out there suffering" Regina fights back
"As crazy as it sounds, yes" My dad replies.
"And he's our son" Emma snaps and walks over to a nearby stump, taking a seat and hiding her heavy head in her hands. I walk over to her
"Hey," I say, bending down. "We're going to find him. If he's anything like you, he won't stop fighting." I say reassuring her.
"Yeah, I know. But he's all I have" Emma responded. Snow heard that and walked away with a sad expression on her face. I was about to walk away, but I needed to say something to Emma.
"No," Emma looks up. "You have your parents, and your weird evil queen friend," I pause "Often we think we don't have anything when really, we have everything right in front of us." I got up and walked away. Leaving her with a confused expression on her face.

A/N so sorry this isn't long and there no mention of Peter pan but there may be in the next chapter!

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