Chapter 14 he's taken Henry

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I woke up with Peter at my side. I could see now that he wasn't a demon. He was just misunderstood, like most villains. Like me.

I started to get up, Peter was an exceptionally heavy sleeper so I hadn't woken him up. I walked out and went to talk to Henry. He was talking to one of the Lost Boys who he had fought with recently. His name was Devin.

"Hey Dev, mind if I talk to Henry for a sec?" I asked. Pan had told me that the Lost Boys knew who I was now, which I had no problem with.

"Sure Y/N/N, he's all yours! No, I didn't mean it like, he's yours, I meant it as if-"

"I get it, Devin, go and have fun," I said. I could see a slight blush on Henry's cheeks

"So what did you need?"

"I wanted to tell you something"

"I know." He smirked

"Pardon?" I was shocked. Does he hate me for this?

"I know where you and Pan went last night," Henry said sadly

"So, how are you doing, with that?"

"I don't mind. I knew I was too young for you anyway"

"Thanks, Hen" I hugged him. Pan approached us.

"Henry, I need to talk to you." He declared. Unhesitantly, Henry stood up. I knew he was still scared of Pan, even if he didn't admit it out loud. Pan stared at me slightly, giving me a smirk. Then, the two again disappeared to the path toward the abandoned cabin. Why were they going there? I decided to follow the duo. I found them with another girl with curly, dirty blonde hair. Pan was tucking her into a bed, and Henry spoke.

"I'll do it. I'll save magic."

"Good. Follow me." Pan replied. I knew he wanted Henry for something. He had the heart of the truest believer, that much was unmistakable. I followed them to a rocky edge. It was facing over a rock in the shape of a skull. Henry as Pan got onto a boat, and rowed off to the island, when they were about halfway, I heard footsteps behind me. It was Emma, Regina, Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire, or as he's now referred to as, Neil.

"Y/N? What are you doing here" Emma asked

"I saw Pan take Henry to Sull Rock, he's going to take his heart, we don't have much time." I declared.

"Y/N? Is it you?" Bae asked

"Yes, and I believe you're Balefire?" I asked

"Yeah, it's so good to see you." he hugged me, and I hugged back.

"You've grown a few feet" I kidded.

"Yeah, " I released from the hug.

"How do you two know each other?" Regina asked.

"Long story, which we don't have time for, Henry's life is in danger, and I'm not risking it with chit chat, no offence Bae," I answered

"It's Neil, actually" he corrected me.

"Right, as charming as this is, my grandson is in danger and I suggest we get a move on." Rumple walked forward, getting in the second boat that was there, we all got in. Regina used magic to speed up the process.

We arrived at Sull Rock not much later. I tried to walk up the stone steps but was pushed back by an invisible force field.

"Damn it" I mumbled getting back up.

Rumple walked forward and threw the barrier simply.

"How did you do that?" Emma asked

"It appears that Pan has made it so only people without shadows can pass through."
"So you were telling the truth?" Neil asked

"as I said, I care to save Henry, not kill him" The Dark One answered. "Pan wants me to go up on my own, wait here, I'll be back with the boy soon enough" he turned around and walked up.

After about two minutes, I got tired of waiting, I stood up and looked at the moon, and I realized,

"The moon," I said

"Yes, it's lovely, what about it?" Regina snarled

"It's what's causing our shadows to appear, so if you could create some sort of eclipse, then, we might be able to get to Henry," I said, making eye contact with Regina.

"That's not a bad idea. It might be the best one you've said since we got here actually." she said "but I'll need help" she looked at Emma.

"Me?! I can barely light a fire!" she protested.

"Just follow my lead."

They started to raise her hands, and the moon slowly faded into a dark sphere.

I walked through the invisible wall with ease this time.

"Let's go save Henry." I began to walk up the stairs, followed by Neil, Emma and Regina. But I was not happy with what I saw at the top. Henry was holding his heart, ready to give it to Pan.

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