Chapter 3 the map

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What did he mean, "I passed?" I wondered. I walked back to camp confused and angered about what Peter had just said. Maybe he was coming for me next.
No that couldn't be. That's what I wanted to think. The morning had finally come. Not that it was light out yet. Especially since time never moved on Neverland. And, besides, it's not like I got any sleep anyway. I was too busy pondering the thought that Peter might come for me next.
"Earth to Y/N," my dad was waving his hand in front of my face.
"Sorry, uh, what were you saying?" Regina rolled her eyes, obviously disapproving of my disability to pay attention.
Emma was in front of the map Peter had previously given her the night before. I was contemplating on whether or not to tell them about my encounter with Peter as well but decided against it. The last thing they all needed was another thing to worry about. Would they even worry?
"My name is Emma Swan'' she was focusing on the map, her parents were sitting in front of her like they were watching a child walk for the first time, my father was drinking, of course, Regina was watching hopelessly, and I Was still thinking about Peter, the way his eyes shined in the---
wait, no, no, no, no way are you thinking about how this villain's eyes sparkle, he was a bloody demon. I refuse to think about him like that anymore. I told myself.
"My name is Emma Swan" She was still very focused, quite impressive really...
"My name is Emma Swan" She continued
"Maybe you're leaving something out" Snow continued "C'mon, you don't need to be afraid to say it." she continued
"Say what?" my father asked while I had a very confused expression on my face.
"The 's' word." Regina finished
"What's the 's' word, shit?" I asked, trying to make a joke. It didn't work because all I got were looks from everyone, even my dad.
"No," Charming said, "C'mon Emma, don't be afraid to say it '' He continued, he gained another hopeful look on his face. Emma hesitated. I was curious, what was the so-called 's' word these people seemed to be raving about. Emma finally spoke
"I'm the saviour," she said with a blank expression. Nothing appeared on the map. Everyone was now frustrated. So was I. I decided to break the silence
"The saviour of what?"
There was a pause for a couple of seconds. Emma spoke.
"There's a town, the one that we came here from. Storybrooke" She started. "After it was put under a curse, I kinda broke it?" She said she had a questioning tone in her voice.
"Who cast the curse?" I was curious to know, maybe someone with that power of magic could help us save Henry. And maybe, me.
"I did," Regina said in a threatening tone.
"Why don't we use magic on the map, I mean it belonged to Pan, so we might be able to find him this way." I sounded smart when I said this.
"That's not a bad idea," Regina said "I knew you'd come in handy sometimes kid" she finished
"No," Emma defended, "Pan wanted me to do something, so I'm going to, without magic." She now had the map in hand
"Do you want to find our son or not!"
"I do, but, this isn't the way"
"Look this might be the fastest way to find Henry." Regina looked enraged.
Emma pondered the thought for a minute
"Fine," she said, giving in. though I could tell that she most certainly did not want to. She handed the map to Regina. And Regina cast the spell.
"I knew you'd come in handy for something Queenie" I looked at Regina with a smirk on my face

We followed the map. It went into the Dark Forest
"It's heading straight toward the Dark Forest," my dad commented, concerned and angry.
"Isn't that the place you said not to go?" Emma said looking at my dad.
"Yes, that's the one" he had a sarcastic tone of voice now.

We were walking again for what felt like hours, I wasn't used to walking this far, or for so long, even though I was pretty fast when I ran I was better at sailing, and stealing, and pretty much at whatever pirates do.
We finally saw Henry, or that's who I assumed it was because he dressed a lot like Emma, Regina, Snow and Charming. But it wasn't Henry.

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