Chapter 5 the plan

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The last thing I heard was my dad screaming my name.

I woke up on a makeshift bed with a blanket on me, I wondered how long I had been asleep. I guessed about 2 or 3 hours, being a pirate and all gave me a good sense of times since you always had to map out where you were every hour or so. Realizing I was still lying in bed, I got out and walked around the room. There was a small desk and a chair that looked very unstable. There were papers and nic nacs everywhere. Who's cabin am I in? I wondered. That question was immediately answered when I heard that same British accent I had heard in previous nights.

"Like what you see?" He was leaning against the doorway with a smug look on his face. I reached for my sword, but it wasn't there

"Where's my sword?!" I asked, still calm

"I can't tell you that, it would ruin all the fun" He was being sarcastic again, and I hated it, so, so much.

"Cut the bullcrap, why did you take me?" I asked

"Well, you see, I actually don't need you, but you're more of a temptation for them to keep trying to find henry." He explained

"Why would you want them to find someone you're trying to hide?" I was confused

"So they keep playing the game, isn't that obvious, I mean, I would think a Lost Girl like you would know that." He came closer to me

"What the hell is a lost girl?" I Asked

"You're more stupid than It thought Y/N."

"How do you know my name?" he took another step closer to me

"I know everyone's name, and your dad was screaming at you as I kidnapped you"

"Your not very good at flirting you know," I said

"I know, but it's kinda hard when you're the only girl I have ever encountered"

"Sure I am," I will admit to you, he was very handsome, I was falling for this handsome bastard, hard.

"Y/N, Ik now you don't trust me yet, but that will change over time I promise," he reassured me, he was so close to me, we were about a foot apart, but it was too close for comfort.

"You kidnapped 2 kids in under 72 hours and you expect me to trust you. Not to mention all the other Lost Boys and who knows how many people you have killed in the process." I protested. I had never sounded so demanding, I was proud of myself.

"You have a fire, and instinct, I like that about you, but I can't have you escaping either"

"How are you going to keep me locked up then, hang me in a cage-like you did Wendy?" Yes, I knew about Wendy, I knew because of Baelfire, they were great friends, so were Bae and I. I taught him how to map the stars and how to steer a ship, but I'd never admitted to my father that I had a crush on him, especially since his father the Dark One.

"I'm not going to ask how you know about Wendy, You are going to be kept in here," he said

"Ha, that's funny, someones already living here, do you not see the papers scattered everywhere?" I said in a joking tone.

"That's because this is my cabin," he said. Now we were about 6 inches apart, definitely too close, so I took a step back.

"I'm not roommate with you," I said, crossing my arms over my chest

"Yes, you are, unless you'd rather the cage" he was now doing a strict tone

"No, here's fine" ok so I know it sounds like I've just accepted sleeping with a demon, but think about it, would you rather a cage?

He finally left the cabin, which left me to explore, it was small, which was fine, I had never really been claustrophobic since I've lived on a ship my whole life.

I flopped on the bed trying to process what had just happened, thinking about how scared my dad must have been. I was going to get out and get Henry in the process. But I needed a plan. I was always good at making them so that wasn't a problem.

The plan

I'm going to gain Peter's trust and maybe kiss him to warm up to him, this way he will let me see Henry and I can explain to him what's happening. Once Henry knows the plan, we are going to escape. If all goes according to plan then I will also have the trust of the Lost Boys so taking Henry off camp was going to be easy, and I'm assuming that the others will have a way off the island.

I know it's very vague, but all plans are that way. Now time to execute the plan...

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