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A witches Ire.


A black snake slithered in the shadows, it's master had commanded it to do something whilst he was distracting the enemy, Lino wanted to go back and suck the life out of both those vile beings but he had orders and he wanted to please the witch who had given his life a purpose and power he never thought possible, he slithered toward the coffin silently, found his way in and wrapped the body in his shadows completely, as he did so he began sucking out the magic that held the man his master and friend wanted to free, he tried to eat away at it as fast as he could, soon the man opened his violet eyes and the rest of his body was free but because he was in his shadow, the man couldn't move.

Adrian knew what he wanted had been successful, it amused Adrian to some degree that Leyton knew about his abilities and his visions but he never thought Adrian would've see this outcome, orange flames erupted over Adrian's body, the flames turned to orange leaves, there was nothing left on the ground between the two mystics beside flickering orange leaves. "You're really a fool." Adrian spoke next to Lino who was in his natural spider form but seven feet now, on his right side was the siren he had come to get.

"I am the Medium, and one who can open an entryway into any plane of existence, you would think your ego wouldn't be tactical when handling me." He called out just as the two men lunged to attack them. "Get in." Adrian instructed Jax's father once the portal was open, the man jumped in along with Lino, he held out his hand and Leyton struggled in his hold as he was being dragged toward Adrian, the witch clenched his fist and the vampire fell unconscious, a barrier appeared to stop the demon identical to Leyton from passing through whilst he went into the portal with an unconscious vampire.

"Adrian we're here!" Johnny called out as he and Kyle appeared from thin air. "Just in time, Kyle take Mr. Milford get him to my workroom, Johnny take Leyton, my mate has unfinished business with him." Adrian instructed and opened a portal for both of them, he then followed Kyle to his home, he had to make sure the man was alright and immediately make sure he wasn't possessed by any other spirits besides demonic ones, which would be nasty business.


He felt peaceful, somehow everything in his mind and body felt okay, as if nothing would happen to him and he would always find peace. After learning about his father Jax couldn't bare the pain he felt, relief came for him in the form of his mate and he indeed was relieved though he remembered vividly of how he was knocked out on the fifth round which was by far the best orgasm he's had, but come to think of it, every time he was with Adrian and every time he released his seed in the witch it was always the best, he could never get past that feeling.

He wondered where he was, the sheets didn't smell like sex, Adrian and himself, they were clean, almost too clean, that's when he opened his eyes to find himself in a room that was almost as big as the one he shared with Adrian, but what was different was everything, he knew he wasn't at home because the windows weren't floor length and his beach view was much better than the one he was faced with, he wondered where he was.

His eyes snapped toward the door where Kyle walked in. "You're awake." The hybrid stated with a lopsided grin on his face, Kyle could be an idiot sometimes, he wondered how Johnny handled all that beauty with very shortcoming brains, the thought alone made Jax feel for his little brother but what could any of them do, the goddess wasn't a fool and she definitely didn't make mistakes, or so he hoped she didn't. "I'm clearly awake Kyle, where am I?" He questioned the man who sat at the foot of the bed. "Home." He replied making Jax raise an eyebrow.

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