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The Healer.
Billie Martin ~ Bird.

The Salt Cliffs Pack Land.

"He's severely injured and I destroyed most of his connection to the ancestral realm, but I didn't have enough time to finish the job meaning he can still pull from there, we'll need Ari to figure out way to cut him off completely." Johnny explained as he stood next to his brother who kept him there protectively. "Alright, I doubt he'll have any reinforcements but just to stay in the clear, we're evacuating the Salt Cliffs region to the Felds." The patriarch stated as Jax closed his eyes, it was almost midnight, they had to go.

"It's time we go." Johnny began but stopped in his tracks as the sky turned to an aurora of different shades of orange all lighting it up, several portals around them and beyond opened aswell, wolves from all the other packs walked out. "Wow, —Ive never seen a clans gathering this large." Johnny mumbled. "It's never happened before Jonathan." Doctor Charlton replied as she came up to them. "Why are you, —how did you?" Mikhail questioned. "Isn't it obvious." Jax retorted as he pointed to the sky. "Adrian Brooke, that child will never cease to amaze me." Sonia muttered as she smiled toward her father.

A portal opened behind Jax, this one was different, it pulled to the boys. "Adrian, a word!" Mikhail yelled before the two could walk through. "Mikhail I have myself abundantly clearly." The witch spat as he walked out of the portal, it was actually the clone from before, Johnny and Jax recognized it and since the clone wasn't heavily pregnant it was obvious. "No you haven't, I want to talk to Skyler, we both know that you're the only person capable of erasing someone's very existence on this continent, making sure you alone know where he is, he'd never trust anyone else." Mikhail argued as Ari just sighed with a hand on his forehead.

"You don't get it do you, strong alpha, brooding alpha, —you don't get to do whatever you want just because you're the dominant strong alpha and everyone will bend to your will, it doesn't work like that, you are not almighty, you serve the people, you serve your family, and they are the ones that choose you to become, —for Skyler, you promised him so many things, you gave him false hope, and when the time came to fulfil any of the promises you made, you left him to the ruling of a man who barely knew him, —you didn't care nor love Skyler, you love you Mikhail, —a wolf does not harm his love, he nurtures it, gives it hope and in the darkest hour a wolf will do anything to protect what it holds dear, —thats the way, the code of the wolves, look behind you!" Ari screamed as he and Mikhail faced the different clan wolves.

"They know the code, they follow it because if you nurture love, when it blooms it doesn't fade away into embers, it comes back to you, and nurtures you in return, —you're no more worthy to know where Skyler is than any of your family, you abused him, broke him and lied to him, used him until he was hollow and had nothing to give nolonger, so how dare you come screaming to know where he is, —how dare you demand I show you where he is, whether I know or don't know where he is, it's my choice, —and he is one of my kind, I will strike you down if you ever come to me begging to see him again, —I want you and your sister to fall onto this scorched earth and beg your father for mercy, and you to beg the clans for forgiveness because you have broken their sacred oaths." Ari's voice carried power and sharpness, it resonated in all who heard him as the sky thundered and lit up with his rage.

As Mikhail slowly walked to his father and so did Alora, they both fell to their knees as their faces touched the earth indeed and they cried, everyone could hear them beg their father for mercy and forgiveness. "Forgive me father." Mikhail cried as did his sister with everyone as witness. "I will think on your punishment, —now Mikhail do as you were told." The patriarch muttered as his son stood up and walked to where the alphas stood in a half circle and threw himself at their mercy, they all growled. "Insolent, foolish, immature boy!" With each insult came a kick or punch, this was the way, if you could not endure the jeers, the pain, you weren't worthy of forgiveness since that is what you had done, it went on for a bit until the alpha, Charlton had introduced to Ari came forward.

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