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Blood adorned the walls, it's was dripping off the walls like a stream where the pentagrams had been etched onto them, an altar of candles lit the room, though dim, he could still see enough, the grim horror that was in this room, he walked further to the altar, he knew what the skull creature at the top represented, the devil said to have malice that created his horns, the face of the beast that he was.

He turned around as his feet sunk into the blood drenched floor, it was so much blood, that his feet were covered in it up to his ankles. "Please let me go, please." A boy yelled, he was a child seemingly around twelve or thirteen. "Shut up!" The hooded figure yelled snapping his neck to the side, the body was dead, but why couldn't he see his soul rise.

More hooded figures entered the room, each one had a screaming child or teenager, and as he stood there he watched them as they were slaughtered, heads severed, and blood flowing to the altar and the pentagram made of bodies on the ground, this was too much, he wanted to leave, he wasn't scared, he was terrified of what they were doing, but he wasn't going back, he wanted to go back.

As the hooded figures snarled they stood in a circle chanting. "This is our sacrifice, we beseech you, grant us your power!" One yelled and the room was suddenly covered in darkness, He could feel it in the darkness, something so evil and malicious it made him terrified. "It's not enough, we need more, find more blood to spill, let it not be defiled!" The one who was shrouded in darkness yelled.

Adrian woke up with a jolt, it was too real, too raw, his heart was aching for those children, he felt their pain, his heart was pounding as he scrambled off the bed and tumbled to the ground and into a bundle of tears. Blood there was blood, frantically he checked for the blood on his feet but there wasn't any, as he checked large arms wrapped themselves around him, he no longer felt terrified, he was awake, safe.

"It's me, I'm here, it's okay, it's okay." His mind registered the presence of Jax, he had slept in his room, he was there holding him, and what Adrian did was cry, the haunting vision was too vivid, too fresh to leave his mind, something dark was going on and he had been at the center of it. "Jax." Adrian mumbled as he realized the position they were in. "It's okay, come on." He whispered and wordlessly hoisted him up bridal style back to the bed.

Adrian wondered if he didn't weigh a lot, Jax had carried him so effortlessly, as they laid back on the bed his heart was calming from the terror. "Bad dream?" Jax questioned. "More like vision nightmare." Adrian replied trying to get away from the warm embrace of Jax, he felt unsure if Jax felt the same way he did, was he even gay or bisexual like his brother. As he tried to free himself Jax held on tighter.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jax questioned somehow dominantly and Adrian froze in place, he never knew someone could have that effect on him, when he tried to read his mind for any clue why, he couldn't, it made Adrian even more curious about the man holding him down to his large chest. Why couldn't he read Jax's mind and why did it feel like there was a second soul in Jax, it was primal as well.

"I just assumed you wouldn't be comfortable holding me and trying to sleep:" Adrian replied his heart fluttering and his cheeks reddening. "A thing that people don't know about me is that I'm pansexual, but my preference lately has been on one brand of boy." He replied with a sincere smile and Adrian's heart fluttered again, those butterflies in his stomach were doing somersaults now.

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