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When Adrian had gotten home, he didn't want to dwell on the fact that he had discovered more than he should've, it was intriguing as it was dangerous, but he needed to learn more in order to evade and keep his siblings safe, and that's what he set out to do.

Learning of the mystical history of the place he called home was number one on his list but he decided to push it back and start scavenging for more protection spells which were stronger than the ones he was using, he needed to do it in order to keep those lurking in the shadows with evil away for his family, he had also taken in the words of Dr. Charlton, out there, mystics who had power would come for him and his family, therefore that was his motivation in doing what he was doing.

"Okay, bloodroot, mountain ash, oak wood, toadstool, red fern, raven claws, python venom, mistletoe, sun blessing." Adrian mumbled to himself but unknowingly he was relaying everything he was saying to Jonathan through the psychic link. "What in the netherworld are you doing in here." He asked through their link as he stood by the door, it was late afternoon and the twins were asleep which meant he was free to roam about, it stunned Adrian he was at home and in his range.

"What are you doing home?" Adrian questioned as he crushed the herbs in a bowl, he knew by Johnny's presence alone that he was fascinated by what he was doing. "I decided not to go out, you seemed worried when you left and thought it was best just to hang at home, plus I had another growth spurt and I'm not feeling too great." The boy replied and Adrian immediately turned around his mouth hung low. "You really had another growth spurt, when did it happen, and also how is the pain, last time it was nasty." Adrian spoke leaving his herbs and examining his brother.

"It doesn't hurt as much but it does, and I'm now 6'4." Johnny proudly stated but Adrian facepalmed. "Johnny this isn't something to be smug about, you just got two feet taller than yesterday, it's going to be noticeable, and it's not exactly normal to just randomly grow taller." Adrian mumbled as he began moving his hands on Jonathan's body, his palms released golden energy that pulsed into Johnny, the taller boy had a relieved smile when Adrian was finished. "Thank you." He sighed in between hugging his now even smaller brother.

"Are you going to make me feel even more inferior in height now." Adrian grumbled hating how his five foot seven body seemed to be crushed in the embrace of his brother. "Not at all shorty." Johnny teased and his brother glared at him. "I hate you." The shorter brother uttered which earned a laugh from Johnny. "I love you too big brother, oh by the way can you make muffins not just for the twins and us but two more people." The teen requested earning a confused stare from Adrian, he didn't want to speculate who was coming and immediately start blushing so he brushed it off but he knew.

"Fine I will make more." Adrian replied trying hard not to blush. "Aww look at you, all cute and uncomfortable." Johnny teased even more and Adrian groaned. "Johnny I will give you an aneurysm." He warned his little brother but it was no use and he could never be mad at Johnny, he always had the cutest puppy eyes that rivaled even the twins at the times and it always made him cave.

Adrian then remembered his spell in progress and also about Johnny's condition, it was getting worse, though there was a block in his primal nature he knew something was inside Johnny and his growth spurts weren't normal, his body was adjusting to something, he needed to do research and remove the block before it became problematic. Two of my kind. His mind immediately gave him the answer but could it be that his brother was one of them, it all didn't make sense, was their father a were, was their mother a witch or psychic like him, she never practiced the one who did was his grandma, did they have different fathers or was their father a were, maybe he was and Johnny had gotten this part of him fighting to be let free.

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