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Hear Ye, Demons Come this way.

Adrian & Sonia.

Sonia and Ari found themselves on the other side of a gateway the medium had created to go into the demonic dimension, but instead of finding a buzzing world full of life, they found a red sky and what was supposed to be the mirror version of Greeneway Bay, a desolate land. "Are you sure we're in the right dimension?" Sonia asked as she rubbed her arms for comfort but even as she did so, the apprehension still got to her.

The first time I tried to open the gateway, it led to another demonic dimension, one that isn't linked to us, my magic hadn't all returned then, since the twins were still taking from me, now that they are naturally taking in mana on their own, I have all my magic and hence we're in the right dimension, Enzo did warn us it would be like this, —I just didn't expect i—." Ari didn't finish as Sonia quickly grabbed his hand and made them invisible.

"I know I felt it, can't you feel the trace?" A young demon muttered among his four other companions, the five of them all looked starved and rugged, as if they hadn't had a decent meal in years, worn out from their dying world. "He's lying again, he can't feel anything!" The largest of the demons snarled toward the young demon, her boot connecting with his gut and throwing him to the ground where the others jeered and snarled at him.

"Demons, especially young ones haven't met any other mystics meaning they only know the feel and trace of their own magic not any else but your magic is different from everyone else's, those atuned or can wield magic can feel it's trace, so it would explain why he felt it." Sonia narrated to Ari who hummed in silent acceptance. "We need to move, find the leaking rip and close it." The witch stated as his aunt nodded along and they vanished from where they stood.

"It's gone, —but I'm telling you, I could feel it." The young demon told his companions but they didn't believe him, as for Ari and Sonia, they found themselves trekking through a wilted ash forest, the trees, the ground, all had been charred to nothing leaving trunks without any life. "What happened to this world?" Sonia asked sadly as she placed her palm on a dead tree and ash coated her hand. "War, greed, violence, fire, these are all the signs of why the demons were sealed in this reality the first time." Ari muttered with a sigh, crouching down to feel the earth, it held pain and memories of those long dead and he didn't want to venture into them.

"We're close, it's up ahead, but something else, —rather some people else are there." He announced as Sonia caught up with him and they moved faster. "Worst day to be wearing stilettos." She whined glaring at the mud. "Why are you walking on the mud in the first place." The witch with the orange hair quipped as Sonia gasped feigning insult then she looked at Ari with his shoes lacking any trace of mud, he'd actually been waking above ground. "Not all of us know nifty spells like that." Sonia retorted making her nephew chuckle. "I'm a mother now, I have to know every spell that can come in handy for every emergency, —I get those a lot." Ari mused making Sonia laugh.

The twins were barely a month old but they were already a handful, especially when Nik shifted and his two tails whacked everything in his proximity. "Those two are a handful but Archie will be the one to look out for, if he's got any of the Sovietro genes flowing through him, trouble will follow him like a magnet." Sonia chortled as Ari just rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle. "Hence why I'm glad both my boys have an amazing aunt, Tori is about to take the floor, she'll be the one to look out for." Ari stated in happy laughter as he thought about his new sister, Renee had given birth and it was a girl, another girl finally.

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