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Adrian & Jaxon.

"Are you ready?" Jax asked his mate through their bond since they were in separate places, wedding customs according to Sanya and Renee, Ari being the submissive couldn't see Jax until it was time and he was standing at the altar. "Is anyone ever ready for the day they get married." Ari chortled back as his nerves soothed out and he breathed deep, calming himself. "I thought so, you're nervous, —you get snarky and wise when you're nervous." Jax pointed out and Ari just smiled, of course he would know how he felt, he was the love of his life and they were getting married today.

"Don't worry my love, no one but me will be waiting for you at the altar, we haven't come this far just to come this far, —I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so help me Goddess even if we have to elope and get married on the run because of another silly tradition, we'll do it, because you're the only person that matters." Jax reassured Ari, and he finally felt himself relax, Jax's words alone had given him peace, Jax would never not be there, he'll always be there, for him, for their children, always. "Thank you my love, I needed to hear that." Ari whispered his response, a smile tugging at his lips. "Always, —always for you." Jax reassured just as Lizzie walked into the room. "Okay enough, you can talk to Jax after aunt and I are done with your make up, I know you miss him but he's only been away for a day." She announced as Ari just simmered down his connection to Jax so he could pay attention to Lizzie and her rant.

"So get it over with, I can't wait to see Jax, I miss him, and the kids miss him too." Ari retorted and Renee snickered walking into the large room with Sonia next to him. "How would you know when he was with them an hour ago, Jax is on his way to the venue, which means, it's time for you aswell, to get there and dazzle people with just how beautiful you are, and since it's a private event, you don't have to worry so much about unwanted intruders." Renee exclaimed as Ari in his fitted white suit stood up, his slightly heeled black shoes fitting his form perfectly, Sonia came forward and placed a golden veil over his face, it had a center piece jewel and several other embedded pieces. "It's a family heirloom, but mother decided to gift it, to you." Sonia explained as she slightly hugged Ari after placing it on him and covering his face.

"Now for the cape, your wedding dress would've had a grand train, but since you went with a suit, fitted to your design, we opted for a long, —I mean ridiculously long train, it's absolutely perfect." Renee gushed over excitedly as Lizzie helped Ari put the cape on his shoulders, as the one getting married Ari could have denied the whole cape but since Renee wanted it and bribed him with a lot of babysitting hours, he agreed but that's not the main reason, the main reason was simpler, Ari wanted to follow tradition, even if it weighed a ton, because his parents wanted it and besides, he'd change into something less form fitting later.

"Perfect, —you're ready, and just in time, Johnny says they've arrived." Leticia, Enzo's mother announced by the door as she looked at Ari in awe. The Guthrie family had settled in well in Greeneway bay, over the short period they had been around and neighbors to Ari and his family, they had adapted rather easily, blended into the background like any normal mystic family, of course they had a rough start like any family would but they got their groove and were now alright, the girls, Enzo's sisters were going to school, Enzo's dad got a job and his mother now worked at the cafe as a weekend manager, and she helped with baby sitting for local parents during the week, an idea she got from Johnny, which turned out great.

They were now part of the family, and flourishing well. "Great, come on everyone, my sons need to get married!" Renee announced as he led the way with a blinding smile inturn making Ari smile, the day was perfect. As they all got into the cars, Ari was with Sonia and Renee in the back whilst Lizzie was up front. "The elders were thrilled when we told them that Jax wanted to get married on pack lands." Renee asserted as they began the drive. "They would be, they hadn't expected Jax to actually be comfortable with the idea of getting married there, he knew nothing of them and they knew nothing of him, it would be surprising, —but he is their leader, their guide and Ari is his mate, no where else would've been better for their wedding." Sonia replied in a reassuring tone as Ari just smiled.

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