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I'm sure he'd love to know his dead father is no longer dead.

Greene Habor.

"What were you thinking?" The demon hissed looking at the vampire in front of him, the two looked identical, the only thing that set them apart was that Leyton had black hair whilst his copy had red hair. "You wanted fresh blood, I was getting it." Leyton hissed back his eyes turned crimson, his copy sighed and relaxed knowing he had irritated Leyton. "Do you know why children are not to be touched?" The demon questioned pacing in the room. "Because of the patriarch and his rules." Leyton replied with a simple stance but the demon scoffed.

"You're a clueless idiot after all, children are not to be touched because the goddess decreed that, not because of the patriarch, children are innocent, their souls are pure, the goddess believes that children should not be tainted by those who've grown and tainted their hearts, or to be used for selfish gain, the goddess is forgiving of many laws broken but her utmost laws aren't to be broken, that is why you see all those who summoned us found children who tainted themselves before corrupting them." The demon explained as he walked toward Leyton, he snatched the vampire's wrist, there was a black skull forming on it which shocked the vampire.

"How, why—." He was lost for words, why would the goddess damn him, why put him to such a fate, he wasn't the one who took the children directly, it didn't make sense. "Children are not to be touched, especially children from special bloodlines, they aren't favored by the goddess but they have powerful families that could destroy us, send us back to that damned place." The demon growled as he thought of where he came from. "Pray that the witch of protection does not find you and inevitably us, because if he does, he could easily send us back and he could easily stop me from raising your precious wife." The demon asserted and turned on his heel to leave.

Leyton was silent as the demon walked out, he had to get in contact with his son and find out what happened and give his instructions, the vampire walked out of the room but before he could, a coffin by the lone corner drew his attention, he could feel the presence of a siren within, he walked closer to it and lifted the upper lid, he didn't seem to recognize the man, but what was apparent was the man being in stasis. "During the wedding, I felt the presence of a firstborn kitsune, he commanded power that I haven't felt in a long time, he was with a witch, I had your little kids tell me about this particular kitsune, and what they told me was interesting." The demon explained standing by the door, a grin formed on his face.

"I want that kitsune to join us, a little misdirection and persuasion should do fine, so I opened the doorway to the other side, brought him back, and placed him in his body, he's perfectly in stasis right now, he's a powerful being it took a considerable amount of power to bind him, find a way to arrange a meeting with the kitsune, I'm sure he'd love to know his dead father is no longer dead."


"This is concerning news." The patriarch commented as he looked at Adrian and Jax. "Yes it is, and I've no idea what he wants." Adrian replied, Johnny had sat silently listening to the conversation, Jax had helped him tuck in the kids, they had eaten lunch with the patriarch, also trained with him, he sure felt stronger even after the wolf beat him almost every time, Jax had more luck with him which was not surprising, now it was after dinner, and they were telling the patriarch, who was their uncle what happened.

"I think you should consider moving in with me, better security, until all this is settled." The patriarch offered but he was opposed to the idea, a lot had happened in the short space of time, just going to school had them facing a kidnapping situation where he had to deal with fifteen vampires at the house, he didn't know if it was such a good idea moving, and the impact it would have on his already traumatized siblings. "In all due respect uncle, I want to say no to that, we've been through enough in just a day, the house is the most secure place we could be and I'm not sure moving would be best right now, Mark is delicate and him dealing with this situation as he's done, is him trying to cope, I've already made the elixir to ward of nightmares,  but I'm still adamant." Johnny argued and his brother along with his mate seemed to agree with him.

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