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To honor A Hero.
~ Alan Menken ± Harvest Dance.

Jax, Ari & The Family.

"Babe come on we're gonna be late!" Jax slightly yelled in his deep baritone voice that barely had a high pitch since the time he fought his uncle, which was two days ago. "Jax, can you at least be patient with me, I'm carrying your children." Ari scolds as Jax rubs the back of his neck in shame. "Sorry bebé." He whispered coming over to help Ari who looked more round and his tummy even bigger. "Now, why are you so excited, it's only a celebration." Ari exclaimed as Lizzie who walked up behind them snickered. "It's a celebration in his honor, he's meeting other kitsune and he's going to have you there, if I were him, —I'd be excited too." She explained as Ari was in awe.

"You're so cute when you're all hyper and childish, I can't believe it though, you're a clan leader, —we've got to change a lot of plans now." The witch began rambling. "Settle down my sweet love, we still have a lot of time, lets just enjoy today, where are pops and the boys?" Jax asked as Nik finally came downstairs with the boys. "They thought it was a formal event and none of them would wear a tux, monkey suits." Their father joked as the boys were now bickering behind him wearing somewhat acceptable attire since it was a party with people who were going to dress as if it were a red carpet event, like Adrian for example in his black designer sweater, pants that made his brother Johnny jealous and navy ankle boots that Lizzie begged to have, his hair glowed and styled to perfection with a sassy ponytail, all in all, he looked like a hot pregnant witch.

"Finally, can we go now?" Jax asserted as Nik just chuckled then nodded, Ari held out his hand and the portal opened with Jax telling Ari where the celebration was, Johnny and Enzo had gone with Renee to his parent's place, he had wanted to spend time there before the baby came, so Johnny and Enzo asked to go with since the concept of their pop's resurrection wasn't truly ingrained in Renee's parents, they were still adjusting. So they went instead of Nik. When the family walked through the portal to the other side they all gasped except Jax, he'd been there before.

"This is gorgeous." Ari marveled as he looked around at the many tents that had been pitched, the fairy lights that had been put in the trees making the whole place glow, it was magical. "I'm glad you like it." Jax told his mate as they walked toward the concentration of people. "Look here he is, the hero of the Feld!" A wolf called out to the rest of the guests and they all cheered to his call, it was alcohol, food and dancing, for wolves and most likely were-shifters amongst other beings,  it was a party, and true to that notion Ari danced a little with his mate as their family had gone to find a table to stuff themselves at, they loved their grilled food.

"So, I know you probably think that  everything is about to change because I somehow have a responsibility I need to see through, —and given by your almost panic attack, I take it you're not completely okay with the idea." Jax exclaimed as Ari sighed and looked into the man's eyes. "When did you start reading me like this?" Ari asked as he was twirled around just slightly and brought back to Jax's hold possessively. "I now have a fourteen yer old truth hound, —she's good at what she does." Jax proudly stated making his mate laugh. "So you've been getting tips from Lizzie huh, I train her to read a room and she's showing you tricks of the trade, —anyway, it's not that I'm not completely okay with this, it's the timing babe, the baby is less than four weeks away and I look like a bloated elephant ready to pop anytime, I'm just insecure, I know you'll never put anything or any one else above me, but I'm just insecure, and scared, what if they come early and we aren't prepared enough." Ari replied as Jax finally just held him and they slow danced.

"I promise you babe, it'll be okay, —things won't change drastically, and honestly I have so much to learn, so much to do and go though before I can even truly claim the leadership role so I was going to ask our patriarch, and also our grandfather, if he wouldn't mind stepping in on the major things, I want to be there when the baby comes, when they babble, when they roll, their first crawl, I want to be there when he randomly pops out his first tail." Jax assured and Ari was near tears. "Oh you and your words making me emotional again." He sniffled as Jax chuckled. "Thank you my love, I appreciate you, here, —I love you." Ari replied as Jax squeezed his mate in their embrace just a little tighter.

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