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Battles We All Must Face.
The Mystic Judge.
Renee And Nik Milford.

The air in the space was tense, the only word that could truly describe it as it was indeed tense standing and sitting in the large hallways of the court in the mystic section of it, long before humanity and mystics had decided to live in blissful ignorant harmony there were no courts, no viable judges who knew mystic law that could truly deliberate over matters like these, but thanks to the grace of Goddess, Renee could be at ease knowing he'd rallied more than five mystic lawyers and the prominent, well renowned Dean Harold to help him fight for his family, his children, Adrian was a miracle worker, they knew what had happened but what kind of coincidence was that, it's as if fate wove on a different tapesty for him than the rest of the world, it was a beautiful thing.

For a whole month they had deliberated, discussed and had been in and out of court, getting hit with losses and wins but today was the day they would get the final verdict of who would have permanent custody of the children, so therefore this is why the air sizzled with power as Neill groaned and challenged Nik with a piercing gaze. "Have you no shame?" He hissed standing up and so did Nik, he wasn't afraid to defend himself against Neill or any of his siblings. "You're the one without shame Mister Sovietro and if you hadn't noticed we're in the hallways of court, it'll be wise if you just sit down and stay silent." Nik retorted never breaking eye contact, then Neill chuckled as his brother Mihkail came over to where they were. "Brother, he's right, don't do anything stupid." He warned as Neill backed away slowly.

"I wonder why he's even doing this, the kids don't need this in their lives, they have stability, love and a family, he wants to exploit them, leave them empty and never capable of accepting love, no wonder Johnny broke the mating." Nik mumbled as he stood next to his mate who just took his hand. "What did you say?" Neill came up front again, threatening in his gaze. "He's right." The patriarchs voice boomed in the hallways with decorative pictures of art and law. "What, —father what are you doing here?" Neill growled and the Milford's had the same question, what was he doing here, had he come to make sure they lost.

"I'm here on behalf of my grandchildren, Harold informed me of this misguided plan of yours to claim the children that won't even acknowledge you as their father, and the judge presiding over your little waste of the Milford's time called me in a week ago to give my testimony in private, you keep raising the bar of my disappointment Neill, truly, and you Mikhail always your brother's keeper in all his madness, leave." The patriarch all but finished with a guttural growl, an enormous amount of will over others filling the very hallways and the air itself, Renee couldn't believe there was someone this strong besides their children, of course they had experienced power before but the patriarch was ridiculously strong. The couple remained silent, breathed better as Mikhail turned tail and left.

"I know you won't speak to me, it would be a betrayal of your children I understand, but be that as it may, as parents you're allowed to speak to me, tell me, how are they and how is my grandson doing after breaking his bond?" He asked Renee who breathed deep and nodded. "Jonathan still struggles at times but being with us and healing with Adrian, he's become better, really better, plus therapy works, both he and Lorenzo are going to therapy, coming to terms with what happened, as for the rest of our children, they are fine, happy." The witch replied with a mother like glow, whenever Renee spoke about his children a glow overtook him. "I'm glad, and congratulations." The large mountain of man rather wolf replied as Renee and Nik both nodded in appreciation.

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