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Adrian didn't know what to expect but his heart was pounding, his nerves were skyrocketing as he got off the cab he had taken into the city, his vision from last night had been crystal clear and very hard to miss, he wondered why those hooded figures were summoning demonic power, why they needed it as well, it never ended well with demonic power like his grandmother's books instructed.

He walked gracefully toward the precinct and like always it was busy, and very hard to get past those getting in and out, some in cuffs others looked like they had just been released. Adrian kept his head down and did not stray from his objective, he didn't want to attract any ghost that he might see and they would see him as well, he wasn't in the mood to have another heartbreaking session with a family.

He moved swiftly into the large police building, avoiding any form of contact as well, it would trigger his already bombarded mind, being psychic was hard enough, he didn't want to feel crippling emotions as well. The large building reminded him of the times he had come to the precinct to help Mr. Leyton on a missing persons case, he did help but the image of the girl who had been gang raped and thrown in a well never left her mind.

Adrian searched around looking for the familiar face that was supposed to wait for him and he couldn't find him, so he turned down everything and focused on feeling Mr. Leyton's presence, when he ventured past what seemed to be a glamour Adrian gasped, he immediately opened his eyes to see the precinct in a new light.

Was this always here. He thought as he took in his surrounding, when he finally found the police chief his jaw dropped. He wondered how the human looking police chief was a vampire, his aura was suffocating and it reminded him of the vampires that had been stalking his house, did the police chief have anything to do with it.

Adrian noticed the minds of the beings around him changing to focus on him, so he immediately pulled back from the glamour, something was definitely going on and he didn't know how to react, did he have to acknowledge the presence of a world parallel to the one he knew or would he stay silent hoping if he left it alone, it would leave him alone, so he referred to his rules and left it alone, new things can be potentially dangerous unless their Jax Milford.

Adrian walked to the receptionist's desk and smiled. "Morning, I'd like to see Mr. Leyton, is he free or should I wait." The receptionist a gay male with strawberry blonde hair, lanky body, and a permanent glee face raised his finger for Adrian to hold, he chuckled when he trespassed into the man's mind, his daddy kink would be the end of him, Adrian mused as he waited.

"Go ahead, he's free." The lanky male replied and Adrian walked to the elevator, he knew the man might've moved with his incredible speed from the ground floor to his office on the fifth floor. Adrian waited in the elevator alone until two women in police uniform came in, deciding to practice his own glamour, Adrian focused, and in the blink of an eye he had vanished, it was easier than he thought.

The elevator opened on the fifth floor, his glamour was undone and he walked out and headed straight for the police chief. He knew he could never see the man in a different light now, did Cooper know about his dad being a vampire, or was he himself a vampire, he had never probed into his friend's minds, he hadn't found any reason to, the thoughts now haunted him even more, he had always hidden his powers and never tested their limits, now that he was doing it, more mysteries were showing up.

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