Chapter 29: Opinions

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The first thing that happens when I wake is the sun nearly blinding me. Despite being groggy, I snap my head to the side to avoid the source of light, trying to blink away the pain.

When my vision finally does clear, Grey is sitting with his arms propped up behind him. He stares into the distance at the forest, his gray eyes calculating. I clutch at the grass to pull myself up, trying not to break him out of his seemingly peaceful daze.

"You're finally up," he murmurs, keeping his eyes forward.

I nod, gazing at the side of his face. "Yeah." My eyes fall to his hands, still beat up and scraped from this morning. The doctor inside me wants to take him to the infirmary, but I don't want to be the one to take this bliss away.

He gives a small smile. "I'm glad we got some sleep. I bet you needed it just as badly as I did."

I can tell something has changed between us, like we've come to a mutual understanding. There are so many things I could say, but right now the words seem better left unsaid.

"We should be heading back," Grey says, bringing himself up to stand. He reaches out his hand to pull me up, despite the pain it must shoot through him. "I'm sure Donte is worried."


He chuckles. "You think I don't know he had you do this?"

I let out a sigh. Of course he knew. He somehow just knows everything.

"It's okay, Kirbena. I appreciate what you did."

"I didn't do it just because he asked," I murmur. "I would've done it anyway."

"I know," Grey nods, but I can tell his mood is already starting to turn somber. "I know you would've."

"Hey." I reach for his shoulder. "I'm sure she's fine."

Grey shakes his head. "I'm not."



The voice startles me, and the jump it causes almost makes me tumble out of my chair. I put the food I was munching on back in the basket, trying to see where the source of the voice came from. The Bottom Floor is booming with people at this time, but my brother shoves his way through the crowd and makes his way over to me.

He's seething.

"You're serious?" he snaps, grabbing the basket of mozzarella sticks from my hand.

I stare at my food in confusion. "Donte said I need to eat."

Ky almost chucks the basket against my table. "You seriously snuck out to eat bar food with our mentor while the rest of us had to torture our squadmate?"

"That's not what happened."

Ky chuckles humorlessly. "I can't believe you, Kirbena."

"Are we really doing this right now?" I sigh, pushing myself from my chair.

"When's a better time to do it? When else should I confront you? When someone else is torturing Demi?"

"She's a yukos, Ky!"

"And that makes it okay?" he growls. "She was my friend! You and Grey get her locked up, but then you mysteriously disappear when we have to torture her? You guys just can't get your hands dirty, so you left it to the one person who truly cared about her!"

"I wasn't the one who made you go first!" I reply, crossing my arms. "That was completely the government's decision!"

"It doesn't matter," he snaps. "Actions speak louder than words. You pretended to care this morning and then you just disappeared. Demi is innocent! She doesn't deserve to die!"

"Ky," I murmur softly. "We signed up for this job to avenge Mom. Did you forget that we'd be killing them?"

"Don't make Mom into an excuse!" Ky booms, his face contorting in rage. "I'm tired of it!"

I can feel the eyes of other recruits beginning to land on us, and I hate the way they burn into my back. "Mom's the only reason I'm here."

"And do you think she'd be proud of this?" Ky replies, sweeping his hand up. "Of you?" He looks at me with a disgust I've never seen before, and I almost have to take a step back. "Our mother was a kind and forgiving woman, and you definitely didn't take after her."

His insult is a punch to the gut, and I bite my cheek to keep tears from spilling. "But Demi snuck in here and pretended to be a recruit. She's a spy."

Ky lets out a growl, grabbing my shoulders and forcefully pushing me backward. He's grown much stronger since we got here, and he sends me stumbling into a pair of arms ready to catch me. I try to catch the breath knocked out of me as I stare up at my rescuer. Luci glares at Ky in shock, supporting me with his broad arms.

Neveah appears from behind him, looking at Ky pleadingly. "Ky, please calm down."

Ky shakes his head, but he does have remorse in his expression. "I'm sorry, but I can't right now."

He turns around and does what everyone else does here: walk away.

"Are you okay, Bena?" Neveah asks, helping me out of Luci's embrace. "I'm sure Ky has a lot on his mind."

"She was his friend," I breathe, still dazed. "He doesn't like my opinion on the yukos."

"I'm sure everything will work out," Luci adds, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Thanks for catching me."

"No problem," he replies, smiling. "I have fast reflexes."


Sorry for the abrupt ending. I was thinking of writing more, but it just made more sense to end the chapter here. I'm so happy. We are almost at 3000 reads! You have all given me a very nice gift. Who needs teddy bears for Valentines Day when I can get reads? Lol, just kidding.

Ky seems to be in a lot of trouble lately. He had to hurt Demi, who was actually somewhat of a friend to him. He thinks Kirbena's against him, which is obviously a lie.

It seems Kirbena still hasn't made up her mind. She likes Nixon, who is a yukos but doesn't like Demi as much, and she is a yukos too. She defended the government when it came to Demi, but was against it for Nixon. She agrees with the torture, yet she can't watch it. How many of you just want her to make up her mind? *Raises hand.*

I wrote this over the course of 2 days because I've been so tired. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I had fun writing it for you. As always, give me feedback in the comments. Comment your favorite character. Comment your theories. Make my day by just commenting something.

Okay, bye. Love yall <3 -mrmcafee


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