Chapter 21: Confusion

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I'm pulled from my thoughts when Nixon nudges my arm. I stare down at him, trying not to scowl. "Do you think I could have another apple?" I wasn't prepared for him to talk to me.

"Uh, well," I begin.

"Sorry, did I ask for too much? Food is in low supply back home, too, so it's okay if you can't spare one."

Donte puts a gentle hand on Nixon's shoulder. "No, of course you can have another apple. I'm sure Kirbena would be happy to get you one."

I bite my tongue to hide my discontent at the idea.

"You don't like me much, do you?" Nixon inquires, gazing up at me. "I wonder why? We've only just met."

I narrow my eyes, but before I have the chance to say something rude, I feel Grey's hand wrap around my wrist. "Why don't we go get that apple, Marcus?" he asks, his tone implying that I can't say no. "We can get him something else while we're there."

"Fine," I mutter.

Grey pulls me out of the room, my wrist still in his hand. I let out a huff at the feeling of being tethered and yanked around like a dog. I know I said I would play the part of the supporting, caring girl, but I'm learning that it's going to be a lot harder than I originally thought.

"We should've just left him out there," I snap once the door is closed. "I can't stand to look at him."

A low rumble escapes the back of Grey's throat, and suddenly I am against the wall of the hallway. My back presses against the cool surface as Grey lingers in front of me. I stare up at him, my fear returning.

"You should be able to 'look at him'," Grey mutters, glaring down at me. "You've never met him, Marcus! He wasn't alive when your mother went missing. You've never even seen a yukos up close before!"

"No," I swallow. "I haven't. I don't know anything about them. But what I do know is that they are the reason for my mother's disappearance. I can't just forgive that."

Grey places his hands on the wall on either side of my face. "So you can't even try to see them as something other than monsters?"

I gaze into his restless, gray eyes. His expression is soft, unlike his usually icy exterior. I can tell he's not actually angry with me. Suddenly, I'm not so afraid. "I made a promise to eradicate them."

"Promises are meant to be broken. So I'll ask again, do you refuse to see them as something other than monsters?"

I don't answer his question and instead, ask my own. "Did you ever reach out to my father?"

He nods. "Of course."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

He gazes down at me, and I suddenly realize his hands are still on either side of me against the wall. "You're such a hassle."


Grey grins, pushing off the wall. "You heard me. First, you broke my finger, then you showed blatant disrespect towards me and my co-workers." He stops, thinking. "What do I have to do to get you to trust me?"

"Well, for starters, you have a weapon that could kill me if you told it to."

"Which I let you hold to calm you down." He pauses. "You do too, by the way."

"And then you made me fight Luci, even though I was afraid of him."

"And now you two are friends. Which I don't understand."

"But then you snuck a yukos in here. Which I don't understand."

Grey gazes at me, the corners of his mouth turning up a bit. "Yukos aren't as-"

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