Chapter 44: Missing You Too

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So many things could go wrong with what I'm doing. So many things are wrong with what I'm doing. I had to do it, whether it turned out bad or not. If this was going to lead me to the truth, and protect my sister, then how was it so bad?

How had things become this messy? I didn't like getting dirt on my hands; I preferred to stay on the sidelines, only helping if it was needed. My sister never needed help before. She always handled everything on her own. She was the one protecting me. But since coming to this place, she's become weak. She let those walls fall down. She let those people see that she wasn't as strong as she pretended to be. As a result of their kindness, she let those walls stay down. She got used to them being down, and didn't fear people knowing who she really is.

The first time I noticed her change was around Neveah. She opened up to him first, which was weird. Why him? He wasn't the peachiest guy when they first met. Don't get me wrong, I like Neveah. When we first met him, I didn't feel comfortable with my sister around him. After that, I felt kind of relieved when she kept having her quarrels with Grey. That's a horrible thing for me to say- that I enjoyed seeing my sister fight with our mentor. However, it meant she wasn't letting everyone get in yet. The next person was Luci. He still got on my nerves. Actually, that's the wrong way of putting it. He made me nervous when he was around my sister. He convinced us to get drunk first, although I should've been more responsible then too. Then, after that, when they came to talk to us about drinking, Luci freaked out. He attacked our mentor, who had to use his own weapon to stun him. I was an idiot for leaving her there alone with Grey. I hadn't been too worried about Grey since she was still fighting with him, but after that day, it changed. He must have said or done something to make her open up to him, too. I've never liked Grey- I still don't like him. Anyway, after Luci was stunned, he kept on freaking out to everyone. He scared a lot of people, including my sister. When they had that battle, he wasn't in control of himself at all. His LCSD was talking, glaring, and hurting her. But anything could set him off, which meant I never wanted her around him. Even though I argued and argued with her about it, she became his friend anyway. He's her best friend now. She would rather be around him then around me, and that stung.

My point is, because she came to the military, she let her guard down. Because she let her guard down, she met new people. Because she met new people, she trusted them. Because she trusted them, she let them in. Because she let them in, her views were changed. Because her views were changed, she let a yukos close to her. Because she let a yukos close to her, she got shot. Because she got shot, she almost died. It was all a chain reaction, and it was something I should've seen coming. I was her brother, and I knew everything about her. Yet, I still let her become weak.

Well, now I was going to be the strong one.

I set my punch on the table, taking a deep breath before leaving. I walk to the elevator and wait silently for it to come and pick me up. I see something red from the corner of my eye, and find Arianne's fox staring up at me. It was probably my imagination, but its eyes were narrowed the slightest bit. I sigh and crouch down.

"Kitsune," I whisper its name. It cocks its head to the side, stepping closer to me. "Tell Arianne to leave. Tell her to go up to her room, and invite anyone she's close to. Got it?"

He must have understood me, because after sweeping his tail around he prances off. I watch him bounce away, hoping he would do what I told him.

The elevator dings, and I push Top Floor. It wasn't too late to stop what I was about to do. I could just let the elevator doors close when I reach the Top Floor. I could let the elevator slide back down to the dance, where my friends were. But then, what was the point of that? I wouldn't get the truth I want, or the protection for my sister she needs. So, when the elevator finally reaches Top Floor, I step off without looking back.

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