Chapter 63: Frozen

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I feel like I'm watching Kirbena fall apart all over again.

"Why does it even matter?! Your little love story doesn't change the fact that there are still rumors about us!"

My gaze snaps to her face, which is already emotionless. Her hand is red from gripping Ky's so hard, and he flinches from her nails digging into his skin. He looks at me, then back to her. We share the same concerned expression.

"It matters because that's how things should be! I know my love story doesn't matter, at least not to you. It's the point of the story! Humans and yukos are capable of loving each other- of getting along!"

"It may be capable," he sneers. "But it doesn't get rid of the damage that's already been done. It doesn't get rid of the crying of children or the confusion of adults."

My eyes follow the direction of the voice, and Kirbena slowly does the same. As soon as she sees him a top his horse, her eyes harden and her face goes completely blank.

Within a second of first seeing, a growl rips from her throat as she whips Sutikka out in front of her. She screeches Nixon's name with a piercing voice. Both sides stare at her, and the next thing I know, Sutikka is whirling straight towards Nixon's face.

Raven turns around, his eyes widening. "Bena?"

She doesn't respond, only glares venom at nothingness. I doubt she can see anything right now, it's probably only dull pain.

Sutikka is spinning so fast that if he hits Nixon, he will be cut in half. However, that doesn't happen. Instead, Sutikka comes to a complete halt about a foot away from Nixon's outstretched arm. There's a gun in his hand, the same gun that shot Kirbena.

The scythe hovers in the exact spot, not even moving. Kirbena's eyes are wide, probably with horror of seeing that gun again. She's frozen, absolutely frozen.

Nixon has a sickening smirk on his face. "Hey Bena, remember me?"

Kirbena still doesn't move.

"I bet you remember this gun too, huh?" Nixon lets out a laugh. "When the bullet entered your body, where it entered your body...tsk tsk. I thought you'd be over it by now, but I guess PTSD's a bitch."

Ky lunges forward, and I have to catch him to keep from exploding. If he can't control his temper, everything will be ruined. Trust me, I want to rip his head off too.

"I bet your little squad was so worried about you, Bena!" Nixon continues. "I bet none of them expected you to be shot. You know, especially since you didn't tell them about me."

Murmurs erupt on both sides of the field, and Raven glances at me. I don't know what to say or do.

"Now that I think about it, I bet no one knows about me." Nixon chuckles. "How you rescued me when I was sick, took me into your base, gave me food, medicine, everything I needed..." Nixon pauses. "Look at you," he sneers. "I thought you were actually tough. Hah, what a joke! Look at you now!"

Finally, Kirbena snaps. A cry escapes her mouth, one full of pain. She crumbles to the ground, and Sutikka finally drops with her. Raven scoops down to catch her before she hits the ground hard, and then gently places her down the rest of the way. His eyes burn into Nixon, who still has the gun outstretched. "What's the matter with you?!" Raven exclaims, fury catching in his throat. "Do you want a war?"

"VIET, Nixon!" Minerva suddenly cries. "Stand down!"

Nixon glares at the chief of yukos. "You can't be serious."

"I said, stand down!"

Nixon shakes his head. "I can't, Minerva. I won't. They deserve this."

Somehow, Ky is able to push past me and in front of Raven. Raven tries to get him to turn back, but Ky is so far gone that I don't think he can hear him.

"WE DESERVE THIS?!" He shrieks. "No, you deserve to burn." Ky bends down and places a hand firmly on the grass below. Within a second of doing so, the grass catches on fire. The fire seems to ignite so quickly that when I blink, it has already caught Nixon's horse on fire. I then hear screaming, guns being fired, arrows being shot, and the cries of people in pain.

However, there's only one thing on my mind. The girl frozen on the ground near me.

I look for her, already being stepped on by fighting troops. "Bena!" I holler, although I know she won't respond. She was here a moment ago, and now she's gone. "BENA!" I try again.

"Grey!" I snap my head towards the voice, but it's not Kirbena. Instead, it's Demi. Her hair is newly dyed bright red. She motions for me to go to her, but I only frown. Demi slumps, and finally speaks in a way I can hear her.

Taking her right hand and tapping on her left, she spells out inaudible words. One tap on her middle finger, one tap on her thumb, three fingers on her palm, her right hand wrapping around her left, another tap on her middle finger, and continues spelling out the rest. I. AM. WITH. YOU.

It's tactile signing, something I learned when I was just a kid. Finally, I go to her. She's been protecting Bena, who seems to be unconscious.

"Demi?" I ask.

"Go on, I've protected her. Now go and take her somewhere safe, then get back here and help fight. Or don't, I'm pretty sure she'll need you."

I nod, scooping Bena up in my arms. Her head rests on my chest, and her legs hang over my arms. "Thank you," I murmur.

"Go," Demi mutters. "Before something happens."

I don't say goodbye, but I do follow her orders. Without looking back, I run into the forest. Kirbena slowly blinks open her eyes, but she won't be awake for long. "Grey?"

"Shh, it's okay. I'm taking you somewhere safe."

"What about the fight? Where's Sutikka?"

"Kir," I whisper. "Please don't worry about that, okay? I just want you to be safe. I can't-"

"You can't what?"

"I won't lose you, okay?" I see the cave that we stayed in the night of the bomb, then squeeze inside. I put her down as gently as I can, then peel off my jacket to give her something to lay on. "I'll be back, okay? Just stay here."

"Wait." I pause when she grabs my hand. She pulls me back to her again, and I stare down into her big, hazel eyes. "Don't go," she cries. "Please don't go."

"Kir..." I murmur. The look in her eyes, the state she's in, the way I feel...I actually consider it. "I have to go."

"No!" she exclaims. "Don't leave me here!"

"I'm not leaving you. I'm going to get Sutikka, how does that sound? I'll be right back."

"I can just call him!" Bena cries. "Grey, I'm scared!"

I lean down and kiss her forehead. "Don't be scared, Kir. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll be right back. Just get some rest."

"Be safe, Grey...I won't lose you either."

I pause before I exit the cave, then look back at her. I feel like there's more I need to do. There's something I'm forgetting. I almost go back and do it, but she's already asleep. I run my hands through my hair, trying to snap myself out of this daze I'm in.

"I'll be safe," I whisper. And even though I uttered those words, I don't believe them.

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