Chapter 88: Who is She?

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I'm gonna find Gryphon.

He's too innocent to understand the situation. Too innocent to hurt anyone, and much too trusting in others.

He's also been too innocent to ever treat me like anything other than a sister.

The little 10 year old was born when I was 8, and when Grey was 10 himself. His father, who is the chief of our tribe, has always shielded him anything remotely cruel. This included fighting, plans, how to pick up on suspicions, and, hell, their lack of love towards me. Aoife, our mother, begged Aasim to let Gryphon start training to be his heir after Grey went to Gambos, but he declined multiple times. Gryph doesn't know how to defend himself. He never started training when he was little like most yukos.

Like everyone else, Ky and I are leaving today as well. We had just decided to wait so all of us could depart at the same time. Ky is getting our transport ready now, which are two sleek, muscled horses. While the dead chancellor had been awful with his training choices, he sure had sturdy shelters for people to flee to. I gaze at the massive animals, their shiny pelts catching the sunlight through the trees. Ky is attaching baskets to their saddles; one for me and one for him, to carry our supplies. It's not like we have that much anyway. Bena and Grey are also saddling up their horses, while Val stands off to the side.

"Val, you're leaving soon," I call out to her, striding up to her slightly taller frame. I seem to snap her out of a thought, and her brown eyes take a second to lock in on me.

"I know," she sighs, her voice soft.

I bite my lip, not quite knowing what I expected her to say. Something more than 'I know', I suppose. Until lately, she's always been talkative, maybe to the point where sometimes I wanted to duct tape her mouth shut. I nod quickly and start to talk away, but her sad eyes turn me back around. I pause, clearing my throat. "Hey, uh...I know you don't like me. I can't say any different when it comes to you, but..." I cross my arms, watching her take in my words. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Yeah," she whispers. "You too."

I feel my chest tightening, frowning in slight confusion. It's none of my business what's wrong with her, but I'd think she'd be a little more vocal than this. I shake it off, instead lifting an eyebrow. "Oh," I smirk, trying to get some sort of smile from her. "You don't have to worry about me."

When she doesn't show any sign of amusement, I give up. I feel my shoulders slump, but I let the pressure in my chest release. If she isn't going to meet me halfway, then I'm not gonna try at all.

While the five of us are traveling on horse, the others won't have that luxury. Luci and Neveah will have to travel on foot. Being accepted into Krimia is no easy feat, and they'll be lucky not to be killed on the spot. If they make it seem like they have nothing, like they're ripped apart and tattered, it might just work out for them. If they act beaten down but still possess the skills to maintain prodigy level, they'll have more of a chance. Jeremy and Pine also need to go on foot. Pine begged Raven to let Jer have a horse because of his shoulder, but I advised against it. Of course, I don't want the younger blonde to be in pain, but clomping around on a horse while trying to sneak into the city just isn't that smart.

My eyes dart to the auburn haired boy standing near our horses, looking eager to get going. I smile to myself at the fire in his eyes, and the pure determination in Ky's features. I walk over to his spot, supporting my weight against his chest. I feel his arms wrap around me, and I grin once again. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," he replies, his voice near my ear. "I just have to say goodbye first."

"You're going for Bena, right?" I murmur, closing my eyes. "To find Holt?"

"Partially," he replies. I step away from him so he can face me, gazing down at me with light hazel eyes. "But did you think I would let you go alone?"

I smirk, smacking him playfully. "I can handle myself, you know."

"I know," he grins.

He gazes down at me, his eyes drifting from my eyes to my cheeks to my hair. He's taking me in, as if he can't believe I'm his. I bump him with my shoulder, snapping him from his daze.

"Sorry," he chuckles, a blush rushing to his cheeks. "I was just thinking."

"Yeah, I know," is all I say.

"I'm worried, Demi," Ky sighes, ripping his eyes from me and to the crowd of people saying goodbye to Val.

I turn around, taking them in as well. "Yeah," I whisper, feeling the pressure come back to my chest. "I've come to love them, you know."

"Really?" Ky asks, ruffling my hair. "I knew you'd come to."

"Hey!" I snap, pushing his hand from my head. "I'm not a dog! And I'm glad you had so much faith in me," I snort sarcastically.

"No, but really," he murmurs, his eyes turning to a shade of sadness. "They're our family. I'm worried about what could happen to our family, Demi."

I take his hand, giving it a soft squeeze. He turns his neck to look at me, and I stare at him in determination. "Our family is strong."

He smiles gently, nodding. "Yeah."

I watch Ky stride away from me, his arms crossed over his chest. I watch as Donte walks away from Val, Ky taking his place.

"Listen to everyone, okay?" I hear him say, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder. "I can't have someone else go and die."

I watch her reaction, waiting for a smile to come to her lips. Her brown eyes simply gaze at Ky, her lips barely parting as she mumbles her reply.

"Yeah," she sighs.

Ky comes back to my side, unfazed by the fact that Val gave him no reaction. Unfazed by the fact that she just stared back at him, hardly giving him any response.

Raven hugs her, and she squeezes her eyes shut. Finally, some reaction, but that's all she gives. She wants to savor this moment, with Raven's arms around her. She wants to savor our smiles, like it's the last time she'll ever see them.

When the Chancellor lets go, her body heaves as she lets out the breath she probably didn't realize she was holding. I narrow my eyes, watching her hand clutch around a small piece of paper in her hand.

She pockets the paper, reaching up to feel around her wrist.

This girl isn't Val. No, I didn't even know her, but she is not Valkyrie Finch. This ghost of a girl is not Kirbena's best friend, and not our squad-mate. This girl isn't our family.

Whoever she is, she can't be trusted.

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