Chapter 64: Gryphon

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I dream about my father first.

"Kirbena, are you leaving already?"

"I-I really think I should go, Daddy. Don't worry about me, okay? I'll be fine."

"How can I not?! You're getting shot and bombs are going off! Yukos are talking to you! They killed your mother!"

"I know!" I scream. "I know that's what you were told! I have a funeral to get to, Dad.

Then I dream about Ky.

"I have your fire! It's not that hard to figure out!" Ky snaps.

"You have my fire?" I ask. "Shouldn't you have your own?"

Ky clears his throat."Well, that's what I thought too. But here's the thing; we're twins. We're connected that way, so I don't see why our minds wouldn't work the same way."

I stare at him, waiting for him to get the point.

"Here's what I can tell you," Ky mutters, looking incredibly tired. "Because I only have one element, and because that one element is latching on to all of my emotions, and because I am a complete and utter mess...This fire is going to rip me apart."

After my brother, I dream about Nixon- again.

I hear yelling; it's Val. She's pointing in the direction of the pond. Grey and I share a glance, and we run down to the pond. I see a figure coming closer.

Grey tenses up, weary of the intruder. Val and I reluctantly follow him.

He's a yukos. I'm angry, very angry. I hold Sutikka, and I can tell he doesn't like the figure either. Val holds Leo in her hand, ready to fight if need be. The yukos is a boy, maybe 14 or 15 years old. His diamond is on his cheek. His eyes are dull green, and he has dark skin. He has long, shaggy brown hair. Sand and dirt are streaked in between the strands of hair. His clothes are battered, and looks like they are made from sacks of potatoes.

I lower my weapon in confusion. This kid is a yukos?

"P-please help me," he whimpers. His voice is weak. He falls down, unable to stand any longer.

For a second, I forget he's a yukos. I lunge forward to catch him, but Grey clocks my path. "Stop," he says. This boy is not how I expected a yukos to look like.

"What is your name?"

"N-Nixon," he chokes.

He says he's sick. "I have a way to help him," I say. "We can put him out of his misery. That's what I promised I would do."

We decide to keep him alive.

My vision flashes white, and the scene shifts to another day. 2 weeks after we first met Nixon, he's outside with me.

Things feel cold. Something very, very bad is about to happen. It's my turn to question Demi today, and I'm on edge. "Are you worried, Miss?" a young voice asks.

"Yeah, Nixon. I kinda am."

"About Demi?"

I chuckle. "Actually, yes."

Nixon's eyebrows shoot up, surprise filling his eyes. "Really?"

"What they're doing is cruel. I know. I've seen it."

Nixon taps his hands in a series of motions. I see him doing it, and he sees me seeing him do it, so he stops. "So, are you going to do what they tell you, then?"

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