Chapter 70: The Cage

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You did good, Demi. You did good.

You visited your big brother, put him in his place, and snapped him out of his daze. You ran into Kirbena and got her to trust you. You told her the plan, and then told her to go find the man she loves. Hopefully, by now, they've found each other. And now, I'm off to find Ky, tell him the plan, then go to save Gryphon.

An arrow flies past my head, and I glare in the direction it came from. Pulling a spear from my boots, I throw it at my attacker. I hear a grunt, and a purebred yukos falls from the tree with a thump. I gaze at him for a minute before swinging down and slinging his bow and arrows over my shoulders. Then, I pull my spear from his chest.

"Damn purebred," I snort. "Shooting at a fellow yukos simply because she's hybrid." I wipe his blood off the spear with my shirt.

I have an idea of where Ky's camp is. It wasn't hard to find the footprints left by Kirbena before, so it shouldn't be incredibly hard now. It's not like it's rained at all, either.

A knife interrupts my train of thought, and it lodges itself in the bark behind me. I let out an irritated huff, loading my new bow with an arrow. I wait for them to attack again.

"Behind you," they snicker.

My eyes widen, and I flip around.

"Too slow," they hiss again, and I look for them once more.

"Stop playing games," I growl.

"Who said I am playing games?" they appear in front of me, sharing my tree branch. A mask covers most of their face except for their brown eyes. They unsheath their sword, holding the tip up to my neck. "I saw you kill that yukos? Why? Are you not fighting with us?"

It looks like this will be tougher than I expected. I activate my hue vision. Green; another purebred. "He attacked me first. What was I supposed to do? Let him kill me?"

"He must of had a reason. He is a purebred after all, while you are just a hybrid."

"Just a hybrid, huh?" I smirk. I whirl around, then yank the dagger from the tree. It takes me a mere second, and the yukos only has to blink. I slap the sword away from my neck, then jump to another tree. These actions also take mere seconds. "Am I still just a hybrid?"

The yukos pulls their mask down, finally revealing her face. She also has a smirk on her face. "No, not just a hybrid. I might even be a little impressed. However," her smirk disappears, a stony look taking its place. "You are not the only fast one here."

She bends down, launching herself from the branch. In the blink of an eye, she's in front of me again. She swings her sword at me, and I narrowly dodge to the right. She slashes the tree, leaving a long mark that would have cut my head off.

I let out a breath, then leap to another tree. I hide behind it, leaning up against the hard bark. "Man, she really is fast," I mutter. I thought strikes me. She must be a Falcon Warrior.

In the center of Krimia, there is a place called the Quad. Here, purebred yukos have the opportunity to specialize in many different types of yukos fighting. There are the Falcon Warriors, who use speed to boost their abilities. There is the Snake Clan, where purebreds and hybrids use poison to gain the upper hand. They're also the ones to make poison arrows for bows. There are also the Smith Masters, who are trained to use all kinds of yukos weapons along with some human weapons. Lastly, there is the most lethal group of all. The Prodigies. Purebreds and hybrids are allowed to join this group, as long as they are skilled in every area.

If Grey lived in yukos, he would surely be in that group. He wouldn't have a choice.

A shudder goes through me.

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