Chapter 73: Venom

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"We have to tell Demi!" I chirp, jumping to my feet.

"Slow down, Bena," Grey grunts, hoisting himself up to his feet. "What we have to do now is find the squad."

"Oh, right," I say as the excitement inside my stomach slowly fizzles out. "I know where they are, if they haven't moved. The thing is...I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings while I was walking."

"Wait, so you came here without knowing it?" Grey's eyes are light, and a grin tugs at his mouth.

I blush again, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, so what? I have killer instincts."

Grey chuckles, wrapping his arms around my shoulder and pulling me to him. I relax in his warmth as he kisses the top of my head. "I'm sure you do." Then he pulls away, leaving me in the cold.

"Hey!" I cry, giggling. "Get back here!" I tell Sutikka to float next to me, and I bend down to pick up Grey's backpack. I remember this pack. It's the same one from the night I went looking for Grey when he was missing. We went into that little cave to get out of the rain; it was the first time I ever went in that cave. The second was when I met Gryphon.

I shudder.

Grey looks back, his brow lifted in worry. "You cold? I don't want you to get sick."

I look down at the white short sleeved shirt around my torso and the baggy, oversized sweat pants covering my legs. Goosebumps prickle over my arms, and at that very moment, the cold seems to grip me. I nod, my teeth chattering.

"Man, it was fine yesterday!" I shiver.

Grey smiles sympathetically, zipping open his bag on my shoulder. He pulls out a heavy leather jacket, and I recognize it almost immediately. His number is branded on the back, and it's the kind of jacket that Neveah got as a part of his uniform. He slides the bag off my back, and then drapes the coat over my shoulders. "There. This should be okay."

I slip my arms into the warm coat, then pull it tighter around me. "But what about you?" I ask, wide eyed. "You're going to get sick, too."

"Don't worry about me, Kir," he murmurs. "I'll be okay."

"But you're a slow healing yukos!" I protest.

"How'd you know that?"

I entwine my fingers in his as we walk, holding his hand up. "You're broken finger that took months to heal."

"Oh, that."

I giggle again. "Right, that. Sorry! I hope you take late apologies."

"My broken finger is the least of our problems," Grey groans, and I sigh along with him.

"I know."

"Hey, Bena."

I'm surprised to hear Sutikka's voice, but I quickly shake it off to answer him.

Yeah buddy?

"I know how to get back to the camp. I heard you say that you weren't paying attention."

Really? Thank you! I reply, maybe just a little too enthusiastically.

"Hey. Sutikka is going to lead the way. Unlike me, he was paying attention," I nudge Grey, and he nods.

"Okay, that's good."

Sutikka floats out in front of us, and we follow him as he navigates us through the trees. I do feel more vulnerable now that we are outside of the 'safe haven'. It's strange; how one place can make you feel bulletproof.

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