Chapter 15: Beautiful

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"This is a joke."

I shrug, swiping through the many notifications pulled up on my screen. I cast a side glance to my brother, who's red in the face with anger. In the time I'd been out, all my squad had worked on was developing deeper bonds with our weapons. "Sorry, Ky, but no joke," I say, turning my eyes back to my screen. "Luci and I can help each other."

"Could you put that stupid screen down and at least pretend to listen to me?" Ky asks incredulously.

"I'm listening," I mutter back, but I keep my eyes locked on the screen below. I swipe out of a recent 'get well soon!' notification. Ky lets out a low growl from the back of his throat, yanking the device out of my grasp. I stare up at my brother as he tosses it onto the seat next to him. "What the heck, Ky?"

Ky glares down at me. "He almost killed you!"

"But he didn't," I retort, peering over the back of the couch to see if my screen is still okay. "Besides, I'm much better now. Luci apologized, anyways."

"You really piss me off sometimes," Ky grunts, crossing his arms over his chest. "You may think you can make it through life all on your own, but I won't accept that. You can push me away, but I'll always push back. You're my other half, Bena. I can't make it without you."

Guilt spreads through my veins as if it was pumped into me from an IV. I let out a sigh, getting up to kneel on the side of my bed to hug him. Ky wraps his arms around me tightly.

"Ky," I squeak, fighting to breathe. "If you don't let go, I won't be here for much longer."

"Oh," Ky replies, quickly loosening his hold around me. "Sorry."

I grin. "Don't worry, little bro," I wink. "I'll be around."

Ky's face flushes with embarrassment, huffing in annoyance. "You're only older by 2 minutes and 24 seconds, Bena. Chill."

I giggle. "You're the one who knows the exact second! And last time I checked, that still makes you younger."

"Fine," Ky mutters, then breaks into a chuckle.

I find myself looking around, taking in the bland beige walls of the infirmary room. Fingering the rough blanket on my bed, I think about how much I miss my old life. I miss waking up and eating a clementine with Ky, and Dad looming over our shoulders telling us to have a good day. I miss my own bed, the clothes that will forever smell like me, and the tiny four walled room I grew up in. I miss everything despite being here for less than 2 weeks. "I'm tired of this boring room," I sigh. "I can't believe Donte forced me to stay here in the infirmary. I'm fine now."

"Yeah, and he assaulted you with questions!" Sutikka adds.

"So what made you choose the scythe?" Donte had asked me, gazing at me curiously through caramel eyes.

I shrugged because I didn't have a good answer. "Well, I don't really know. It was printed on the back of my shirt, and when I saw it, I just knew."

I felt silly saying it. It was cliche and a platitude, because everyone always says, 'I just knew'. But what else can you say when people ask?

"I'm surprised you bonded so easily with it, Bena," Donte continued, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Two days after having it, and Sutikka already was fighting to save you."

"Why are you surprised?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I just am," was all Donte offered.

"I better not become a celebrity because of you," Sutikka chided, but his voice was light.

"Sutikka, trust me. If I ever become a celebrity, I won't enjoy the attention either."

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