Chapter 5

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I listened from behind the door as I heard my father and sister fighting again in the dining hall. "STOP FOOLING AROUND SON! THIS IS—" "IM NOT YOUR SON DAD!!"

This was the usual fight that they'd have. The usual fight I'd hear as every words echoed off of the walls. I'd come home back to something that barely seemed like home and hear this. This was the usual, but I wish someone would've warned me that this was the end.

"LISTEN SON, I'M TRYIN—" "NO DAD! I'M NOT YOUR SON! And if you can't understand that then..... I'm not going to be head of this sick joke anymore!"

"You are the oldest, have pride where you stan—" "We're killing people!!" "We're bring justice!" "Not enough justice to let your daughters—" "I only have ONE daughter. That is not you!" "Y'know what.... I'm done....."

I stepped away from the door as I heard foot steps walking my way. I step back to see the doors swing open with my older sibling walking through with a disgusted look on her face.

She walked through, her eyes catching my stare as she stepped towards me and put a hand on my shoulder with a sorrowful, pitiful smile on her face.

"I'm sorry Y/n.... I hope you can find forgiveness and love in your heart for everything that happened and for what I'm going to do." I watched cluelessly as her smile to me fades as she turns to the old man.

"I'm out. I'm not leading this sick parade. I. Quit." "HA!! You think it's easy just like that?! NO YOU CAN'T JUST QUIT! You are heir and an Ultimate of all things. You CAN'T quit!"

I watched as my father yelled, but once he was done, my sister just looked up at him with a daring glare.

"Try me. You think I won't leave? Try me. You're dying dad.... just try keeping me here." Bubu?.... I look beside me to see my father staring hatefully as he glimpses from her to me.

"Fine then. You're nothing but a failure anyways. You lost you're Ultimate Talent and became blind! Go ahead run.... and if I see you anywhere near the burrows.... we'll kill you. You aren't my son anymore." "Yeah I never was."

And just like that I watched as my older sister matched down the halls, leaving me alone with my father.

"Y/n work hard, because you'll be the new successor to our fortune! And if you dare become a failure like your brother, you'll die."

Fortune? Successor? Failure? I didn't know what any of it meant. But what I wish I knew, is that this was the last time I would hear about my older sister. And after that, I yearned to hear them fight for the burrows were now filled with silence.


"Wake up..... Wake up!!.... Looks like I might have to use water again. Maybe I should buy a spray or something..."

What time is it? Where am I? Just as I was slowly mentally waking up, I heard footsteps walking up to me.

"Ngh... so heavy." I know that voice.... oh no. I quickly forced my body to jump up and stand up as I started to regain my balance from my sleeping position.

Just as I was about to turn to the voice behind me, I felt water splash onto my calves and a bit up on my thighs and hoodie. I look up to see Kokichi holding the same bucket with the same smirk on his face.

"Ghost-Chan!!! Good morning~" I'm going to kill this fucker... Just as I was about to strangle this boy's neck, a loud rumbling groan came from my stomach followed by an awkward silence.

Fear is a liar (Kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now