Chapter 12

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"It's only fair y'know. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Information about my plan for information about you. Why so hesitant Ghost-Chan? Isn't it important to establish trust between friends."

Just as he said this, I quickly slapped his hand away and grabbed my notebook and pen. Trust? He wants me to trust him?

Before he told me about Rantaro, we were at each other's throats! Yeah no, sorry Kokichi but I don't work that way.

I quickly started to think of what to say. 'But my information has nothing to do with the plan? Why do you need my information?'

"It's just to build trust. Don't tell me Ghost-Chan is afraid of a little one on one interaction. Don't you trust me", Kokichi spoke as I stood up and started to write. He's trying to egg me on. Does he think I'm that dumb?

'I'm sorry. I don't feel comfortable sharing my information. I would like to talk about your plan to end the killing game now.'

I watched as Kokichi read that and stubbornly sighed. "Y'know what....this is getting annoying. Sorry Ghost-Chan but this isn't going to work."

This isn't going to work? What's he talking about? I raised an eyebrow in confusion as I quickly wrote in my book. 'What do you mean?'

"Ghost-Chan..... I'm resigning from being your mentor. Y'know this deal we have? We're done. Now leave."

Wait...... what? I stood there stunned as Kokichi gave a smirking smile. He's mocking me... he can't be serious.

'Haha funny, are you gonna tell me the plan or not.' I watched as Kokichi shook his head with a smile on his face.

"I'm not kidding Ghost-Chan. I've been trying to work with you but we're getting nowhere. If I can't trust you with simple things like telling me about yourself then why should I trust you with my plans", Kokichi smiled as I clenched my pen in my hand.

'You're choosing information about me over stopping the killing game. Don't you already know enough from the motive video?'

"That was given by chance, you don't actually trust me. To make things easier, how about you explain your talent", Kokichi pressured on as I gritted my teeth.

'That's too personal. This has nothing to do with the killing game.' This is stupid. Kokichi, what do you think you're doing?!

"Ghost-Chan, why do you have to be so narrow minded.... If you're not going to do as I say, get out of my way. After all, it is just information about you", Kokichi fired back as the tension in the room rose to an all time high.

'Get out of your way? You need me.' Just as I wrote this, Kokichi began to hysterically laugh.

"You think I need you? I'm gonna end this killing game with or without you. This is your last chance Ghost-Chan. All I need is a bit of personal information from your talent and we can forget this ever happened", Kokichi tried negotiating but I didn't want to go along with it.

He's being unreasonable! It's information about me over the killing game! Even if I did give him information about me, what good is that going to do?

Last time someone found out who I was, they died. Kirumi died. So like hell I'll just give this clown information about me.

I already have to deal with Maki as if that isn't bad enough. He can tell when I'm lying so if the truth is something he may not want to hear, might as well not say it at all. I'm not letting him ruin my plans!

'I'm not giving you my personal information Kokichi.' "Well if I'm not getting what I want, nobodies getting what they want!"

'You can't do anything without me.' "Are you being serious right now, Ghost-Chan? I've been doing everything without you! I might've needed your help before but now... you're just getting in my way!"

Fear is a liar (Kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now