Chapter 17

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The first is always supposed to be special. But no one chooses to be special.

I boredly walked down the halls, playing with my gun as I looked around. I just got back from my recent mission.

Father has been giving me more missions than usual. I bet he's busy doing something but since I'm always away from the burrows, I haven't exactly been in touch.

I am currently walking through the tunnels, looking for what's been happening while I was gone.

Hmmmm? This is new... I stopped walking as I stared at a wall full of swords, guns, and other weapons and pads.

These are definitely new.... these fighting pads are my size as well. Strange, why would they have 8 year old fighting pads?

I have my own pads in my room. If these aren't for me, who are these for? Curious, I made my way to the fighting arena. They were fighting pads so someone has to be fighting there.

It didn't take me long until I was finally at the arena. I looked in the middle to see several kids my age and an instructor. "Faster! You wanna live?! Then hit like you mean it!!"

So they're training kids my age. Strange, father usually only works with adults. What are kids doing here? I walked to the instructors and watched as all the attention went to me.

"Hey, what's happening here." "M-Miss Harlequin, you're back!" "Well of course I'm back, did you expect me to be dead?" "N-No! Were you going to use this arena?"

I shook my head as I turned to the kids who were currently fighting each other with swords. "No, I was just curious what was happening here. Father doesn't usually bring kids here."

"Oh, that. Your father is starting a new program to breed new assassins. Hence the kids." "Ah I see.... mind if I test them out?"

"Of course.... *ahem* Attention! Everyone meet Miss Harlequin! You all will be sparring her as a practice test now get in line and get ready to fight. You, you're going first!"

I fought each and every one. One by one, each getting increasingly better than the last. But I expected that to happen.

Since I'm sparring continuously, each will be able to observe my technique and try to spare me using what they know. They're not bad, but then again they weren't that good.

I could tell they were fresh and haven't done anything extreme. They were actually pretty boring. Well... all but one.

"Ok Harukawa, you're up next!" I dusted myself off and stretched a bit as a black pigtailed girl with red eyes came out of the crowd.

"Ok pigtails, let's see what you got!" "Don't call me pigtails..." "And begin!"

The kids here waited to attack, but not pigtails. Just as the instructor said begin, she dove in with a punch.

Not bad. She took into account that I'm more of a kicker so she's trying to close the distance. Not bad at all.

I blocked the punch, moving to the side as I kicked her in the stomach. I could tell she wasn't prepared because once I kicked her in the stomach, her face was full of shock.

Something tells me she's not used to getting the air knocked out of her. I could tell she was in pain, but that didn't stop her.

Just as I was pulling back my kick, she turned to me and continued to charge and punch me in the face. Her punch was only an inch away from my face. She was so close until I blocked her punch.

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