Chapter 16

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Kokichi's POV:

"No... don't go.... s-stop.... D.I.C.E.!" I quickly sat up, out of breath, eyes wide open as I looked around the room. I took a couple of deep breaths before laying back down.

"Just a dream... and I'm still stuck here..." I slowly turned to my side to see Ghost-Chan, who was fast asleep. I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the girl.

Ghost-Chan... once I got into the dorm and found how clean it was, I knew you went in here. But why?

I searched the room for clues and that's when I found it. I opened a trash bag full of empty Panta bottles, dug inside it, and found one of your hoodies, bloody and torn, with the gun that had smears of blood on it.

I was shocked, but I was even more shocked when I decided to search for you. Only to find you in the men's bathroom with a gun to your head.

I was so shocked, I couldn't even move the first few seconds. It wasn't until she pulled down the gun, I snapped out of it and tackled her.

I hate her, but I'm tired. I'm tired of seeing people die. Too many people died, I wasn't going to let another slip pass my grasp. Even if I hate them.

I turned back to Ghost-Chan as a sigh escaped my mouth. "She is not going to do what I say. She probably hates me as much as I hate her, so how am I going to make sure she's not going to do anything reckless?"

I brainstormed many ideas but only one stood out. I can't say I liked it, but you do what you gotta do. I can't have her die like this.... god I hate her.


I'll always love you

No matter what you are, where you go, what you do..... promise

"Icecream!!!" "Again? You're going to get sick if you eat that much." "No I'm not." "Yes you are. You're gonna turn into a fat smelly wet dog." "Whatever you're just lying. Oh and I lost my wallet so you're paying." "God you're horrible." "Thanks, one f/f ice cream please!"

Bubu and I loved each other very much. Or I think we did... yeah we did... right? No we definitely did. We loved each other very much.

Bubu would get me ice cream and I'd steal his ice cream once I was done with mine. We loved each other like ice cream! Ice cream everyday and night!

But then he'd tell me to stop eating ice cream or I'll become a fat smelly dog. I didn't care, I still ate ice cream. And I still loved my big brother.


"Bubu! Let's get ice cream!" "Huh?... oh ice cream.... Yeah sorry Y/n but I have work. Maybe after?" "After.... sure! Let's get ice cream after your work!"

Bubu and I loved each other very much. Or I think we did... yeah we did... right? No we definitely did. I still love him so he must still love me. But no matter how long I waited, he never showed up.

But it was his work so of course he's going to be busy. He's the prince of Leporidae after all. He'll just owe me twice the ice cream next time I see him!


"Bubu... how do you feel about ice cream...." "Ice cream? Maybe the next time. I promise to buy you as much ice cream as you want, okay?" "Hmmmm..... Alright, but you better promise!"

Bubu and I loved each other very much. Or I think we did... yeah we did... right? No we definitely did. He loves why is he lying?

Why does he feel guilty? Did he always have such dark eye bags? Did I do something wrong? Why does he continue to cry every night? Is it because.... I keep stealing his ice cream or... is it more than that?

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