Keep My Heart- 28

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"We accept the love we think we deserve."-


Hey lovelies! Another chapter, hopefully quicker than the last update! Keep your eyes open and have a very, merry Christmas and a happy new year! Remember the Reason for the season ;) and have a great time with your family!

Also, please remember to vote and comment on this story! Show me some love! Thanks bunches!

 There was no greater satisfaction for Olivia than that of her return.

The great red brick house rose amid the land, and snow fell all around them, safe and warm in the carriage. She peeked out of the window, enjoying the landscape and the glorious feeling of being home. She felt, in that moment, with a good amount of happiness, that she belonged here. It was her home to take care of, it was the legacy of her husband and his hardwork. 

She turned to her father-in-law, who seemed to be surprised. "It took him a very long time to build it," she said. "He told me once that he had done most of the work himself."

"He did a very fine job. A very fine job, indeed."

Now, then, it was nearly December and the air almost seemed to smell of Evergreen trees and pies and cakes. The comfort of it was enough to settle in Olivia's stomach, and flutter there like the wings of a butterfly. 

The birds flew overhead as the carriage pulled up and around the round drive of Hawke's Vale. They had not even alighted from the cab whenever Constance came flying out, smiling from ear to ear at her dear friend.

"Constance!" Olivia cried, and leapt out. Yes, Constance was indeed "the help" but she had been Olivia's faithful companion for the last five years, which, incidentally, had created some relationship that was impossible not to have. Afterall, it had been Constance to comfort her when Rashleigh hadn't loved her any longer. And it had been Constance who had dressed her and did her hair and washed her face when she married Adam in the library.

Constance had at one time been Olivia's only constant in life, and for this, Olivia loved her dearly.

"You have been away for so long!" Constance said. "I had almost forgotten how lovely you are! Mistress, you are absolutely glowing!"

"Glowing?" Olivia asked with disbelief. "I have been quite ill...oh, but you're so kind. How have things been, here? Well, I hope?"

Beyond her shoulder, Constance stared. "Very well. We hadn't heard from you, from either you or Mr.  Hawke and we had begun to be worried. But we kept it all up, and managed as well as possible."

Olivia, noticing her surprise, glanced back and smiled to her father in law. "This is Mr. Hawke's father. He has come to stay with us until Mr. Hawke returns."


Immediately, her face fell and her eyes turned ashy and gray. "He is a soldier for now," she said. "Well, a sailor. Oh," she moaned with tears falling, "Constance, there is so much to tell. So much has occurred and I can hardly-"

"Let us inside, Mistress," Constance said. "And do come, too, sir, we shall prepare a chamber for you." She smiled gently. 

She had missed the rich blue carpet in the hallway, and up the stairs. 

She had missed the library, and the mantel where she had been married. She had missed the great long table where she had greeted her husband that morning that seemed so long ago. She had missed the small orchard and Adam's study and how it smelled. 

But she had not missed any of the rooms in her home as much as she had missed the chamber they shared. It was rather dark and cold but she settled on the bed, lying back, as the servants rushed around her to start a fire and open the curtains and prepare it all. Constance had some tea brought up to her and she drank some of it, glad to be home but she missed him very much. 

Keep My Heart- PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now