Keep My Heart- 19

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"Let the world stop turning, Let the sun stop burning, Let them tell me love's not worth going through. If it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, The only dream that mattered had come true ...In this life I was loved by you." - Bette Midler

The night came soon, falling like a dark velvet curtain over the island and over the Sun Goddess, but the stars above winked tauntingly and the moon watched guard over the earth. Her milky rays shattered like a broken mirror on the water, but there was no silence. Baudy music drifted on the salty wind, and there was merriment in the settlement.

The ship was quiet, with the exception of the gentle whisperings of a man and his lady.

Her lace white shawl was draped over her shoulders, and her hair was loose and rolling down her back. The creamy white nightgown she wore danced around her feet--those little slippered feet that pattered like those of a child. Her husband watched her as if she was a nymph, dancing to her own song, letting her insecurities loose and telling him her thoughts. Some moments she allowed herself to forget that they were married and she treated him like he was her very best friend.

Never the less, Adam watched her and he loved her dearly. Her smile and her eyes were enchanting; he found himself wonderstruck and he knew that the night was flawless. But he did not simply wish to dump his affection on her. No, he must do this with tact and without words, if possible. Actions spoke louder than words and Adam was aware of this.

"When I was a little girl," she began softly, "I always wanted an adventure." Gingerly, she smiled, back against the rail, and shrugged her shoulders delicately. "I never did. When I was young, I threw myself into the relationship I had with Rashleigh."

"And was that an adventure?" His arms were crossed over his chest and he tried to be stoic but attentive.

"If you could call it that, yes. Oh, we went to balls and Vauxhall know about Vauxhall?"

He said yes.

"We did all sorts of fanciful things. But as I look back on it now..." She stopped and pressed her lips into a line. "All of it was very empty. He never told me he loved me in public. Only when we were alone."

"Love has no need for publicity," he said evenly.

"You are quite right, but it is nice to hear when you are seeing a romantic play. Or when you are dancing in a candlelit ballroom and the instruments are strumming only a little."

"I suppose you are correct." He smiled at her.

They both faced the water and Olivia felt the subtle heat eminating from his body. He was gentle, he did not touch her. The melody humming in her heart was as tender as a lullaby to a babe. This moment felt meant to be and she stole a glance at him. His greenish eyes were locked on the shimmering waves. Inky locks of hair played childishly on his forehead and the crease that throned there was absent.

"I miss Hawke's Vale," she heard herself say. Home...she hadn't thought of home and now she suddenly wanted it.

"As do I. But a few weeks more, my dear, and we will be home." His hand brushed the small of her back and settled there.

A brief pause.

Olivia turned and his hand fell away. There was trouble in her eyes but it was good trouble.

"How can you say a kiss means nothing?" Her eyes searched his for some answer.

"I did not say it meant nothing. I asked only why it must have meaning," he replied, inwardly a little hurt at her rejection of his gesture.

"You are so matter of fact...I am not. You think with your brain, I think with my emotions." She ran her hand through her hair. "Must we always clash?"

Keep My Heart- PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now