Keep My Heart- 15

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Hey, you wonderful people. I hope you're enjoying this story so far, because I'm loving it very much. Writing is wonderful, and I am pleased by the fact you are along for the matter how bumpy the road might be! :)

Please vote/comment! I need all the help I can get!

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

-Ingrid Bergman

The sun was filling up the room and she felt his soft breathing beside her. As if protectively, his arm was still wound about her waist, keeping her close to his warm body. Instinctively, she stirred, and shifted on her other side, so that she was facing him.

He was relaxed, and sleeping hard. All through the night, they had lain like so, breathing and feeling each other's heart beats, asleep. But she was awake now and she felt compelled to watch him. The furrow in his brow was absent, though there remained a wrinkle in it's place. His black hair was messy, uncombed, from sleep. And his lashes were dark, casting an innocence around his face that turned her heart. They cast a shadow over his cheek bones.

Her heart turned, in a delightfully wrenching manner, and it was only him. She stared at him, so close, feeling his soft exhales.

Then he opened his eyes, and grinned, closing them again.

"Good morning," he murmured, shifting onto his back beside her.

"Good morning." Outside of the window, they heard the wind blowing and the sun rained down on them, underneath of the white coverlet.

"I trust you slept well." It was his every morning routine to say this, and she always answered the same, no matter how she had slept. But last night had been the best sleep she had had in a very long time.

"Beautifully," she replied in a dreamy voice, settling back against the pillow.

Adam, noticing the joyous but quiet lilt in his wife's voice, turned on his side, and looked at her. The creamy golden sunshine painted her face, setting off the natural highlights in her hair. It also glimmered in her eyes, making them light and warm. He looked at her mouth, smiling and pretty. He thought of when he had kissed her neck and thought of her wordless reaction.

So what was keeping them apart?

"How did you sleep, then?"


She was silent briefly, and then said what appeared to be on her mind. "You should have kissed me."

"Oh, I should have?"

She flipped the coverlet up, and sat up. "I cannot believe I said that."

"Why not?"

She looked at him, astonished. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks were pink.

"You're right," he continued, "I should have kissed you. But I did not."

"Why didn't you?"

He shrugged, and it maddened her like nothing in the world. His face was expressionless and she could not believe it. Amid her anger, she was surprised. He had wanted to kiss her. He admitted, it too! But why hadn't he?

"I did not want to ruin the moment. Look, Olivia," he said. "I know how raw your emotions are, from Rashleigh's little spill and from the news of your parents. I did not want to further muddle your brain."

"But my brain is muddled because you did not."

He sat up, then, too. "I'm trying to save what we have."

Keep My Heart- PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now