Keep My Heart- 16

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"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing."

-Unknown (To me at least!)

Hey, readers. Sorry that 15 took so long to computer didn't save all of my hard work and I had to start all over from scratch. That's why it took a thousand years, haha. Anyway, please, please, please remember to vote and comment. My day would be made and it would probably help me to hurry along with the story.

She could not believe what she was doing.

Her fingers curled around his arms as she stood on her tip toes, raising herself closer to his face. But she had to do this or else she never would. Her face was closer to his now, and she fluttered her eyes closed sweetly. They were mere inches apart, so that they could feel each other's hearts beating. The anticipation killed them both, much like how people run for both excitement and frightening anticipation after lighting a firecracker. But, Olivia and Adam did not run.

He bent his neck and his lips brushed hers. They were warm and nimble and-

Then, the Sun Goddess went over an enormous wave and they both went tumbling.

Adam hit the floor on his back, and Olivia was sprawled across him. They looked at one another, smiling, forgetting the dull pain they both had in different parts of their bodies from the fall. Adam was thinking, of how pretty she was, and wondering if a kiss would ruin everything. It was only a kiss but it meant everything at this point. Certainly, he had kissed her before, but this time, the game they were playing was for keeps.

But Olivia did not care. Her thoughts had shifted and she decided that it was time to be fearless. She had been afraid of risk before...but she knew that risking everything was better than risking nothing. If one risked everything, they could gain it all back in return. If not, they had exactly what they started with.

So she moved towards him, tugging on his shirt to pull him up and closer to her. She felt his blood singing, as it moved through his body. Carefully, she placed her hands on either side of his face, running her thumb over his jawline, and went in closer.

Her lips touched his softly, like before. Gentle and sweet, but it was apparent she had wanted to do what she was doing for a very long time. She knew, that all the times she had ever been kissed in her entire life had been leading up to this. The first real kiss. It was perfect, flawless. Something entirely new compared to everything she had ever known.

He kissed her in return, linking his arms around her waist, eyes closed. They were in the hallway, the ship was rocking beneath them, but for a few minutes of expertly maneuvered lips, they didn't notice.

When at last she pulled away, her features were moony and languid. The smile that spread across her kissed lips was drawling and leisurely, the same manner in which her vivid blue eyes caught fire. Even her breathing bore this same type of excited but tedious speed.

"Did that jeopardize everything you were trying to save?" she whispered.

He shook his head, eyes wide.

"I cannot believe I did it...really, I did this."

He was still trying to gather his thoughts. But hers were all back and she was marveling at what had happened. Fate had somehow stepped in, and life had happened while she had almost let her fear dominate her actions. He stared mindlessly at her, feeling the same spark in his chest that she felt.

"Shall I kiss you again?" She grinned, feeling a rush go through her. He looked happy but shocked--which was always a fantastic combination. Enchantment made it's way through her. It was that warm feeling she had, that rush.

Keep My Heart- PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now