Keep My Heart- 41

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"This is what makes us girls, we all look for heaven and we put our love first. Something we would die for it's a curse. (Don't cry about him, don't cry about him.) 

-Lana Del Rey, This is what makes us

I absolutely love Lana's style. I chose the song because it feels sort of true. Girls, I think, tend to put "love", or what they think is love, up on a high pedestal, like Olivia did with Rashleigh. 

And plus I just love the song, hahaha. 

Please remember to vote and comment! I'm almost to 14,000! WOOOO! I've never imagined a number like that. :) It's seriously all because of you guys.

"Get this baby out of me!" Olivia screamed. "Get it out!" She continued screaming, screaming, screaming.

"Enough!" Rashleigh cried, sick of hearing her cry out in pain. He summoned, with his pistol, for the midwife to make her way over and do her business. During the long moments following, Mr. Hawke allowed  his wife to squeeze his hand and cry as their baby entered the world, screaming and alive. All was well for a minute, and then his wife lost consciousness.

"This is not good, not good!" Beth cried, rushing for her bag that had remedies and smelling salts in it. Adam held his daughter in his arms, shirt soaked with the gunk and ick that came from birth. But he stared at her, screaming and cold, and he loved her so very much. He looked at her mother who had fainted from pain, and he was not worried. But he had to keep this source of calm, this perfection, safe from any type of harm. Her face was red and blotchy from crying, and all at once, Beth had snatched her away, having snipped the umbelical cord.

The room smelled of metallic blood, but there was not so much. Rashleigh stood along side, lips trembling. He took a step toward the bed, pointing his gun there.

"You have always had it together," he said to his older brother. "Life for Adam was always perfect."

"That's not true," he said. "Do you think I wanted Mother to die, and Father to leave? Do you think I wanted aunt Phae to adandon us? It was most enduring, Rashleigh, and difficult, to keep food in your mouth when I was only a ch-"

"You have the wife! The money, the prestige--and it all should have been mine!"

"But it's mine!" Adam roared over the sound of the screaming baby and his coming-to wife. "I earned it! I watched Olivia cry over your sorry self for two years. Two! But I eventually won her over. I earned my money and my prestige. You do not deserve what you do not work for--"

There was a sudden shot and then Adam looked down at his stomach. A red circle poured from it onto his shirt, and then there was a flaming pain there. He looked at his brother, finding it hard and painful to breathe, and saw the smoke escaping from the barrel of a fired gun. 

Adam fell to his knees, trying his hardest to see straight from the pain. He pressed his hand over the wound, wincing at the pain but he held it there anyway. No, he couldn't die...not when he had a new baby and a wife who needed him. 

But as the moments became hard to breathe.

He saw black spots.

His gunshot wound poured blood.

"Adam," Olivia whispered from over the side of the bed. "Adam, my love, listen to me." Her voice was weak.


"You must stay here, darling. You saw our daughter. She's utterly perfect. You mustn't leave us, Adam. You mustn't."

"I said...remember...I'll never leave."

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