Keep My Heart- 39

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"...and I forgot London, and the old ways. I was young. I healed quickly. I learned French and Italian, music and dancing. And one day, I had more than I ever dreamed of. I became his wife... Emma, Lady Hamilton."

-Vivien Leigh, from That Hamilton Woman! 

The quote from the movie above reminds me of Olivia. It's from one of my all time forever favorite movies, starring Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier. I loooove this movie! Anyway, this is the quote that I liked the most, so I put it up. Thanks for the support! Please vote and comment!

Also, thank UniqueeSmile for the fabulous new cover! I am so madly in love with it! She did the best job ever!

The days and nights had passed, and Olivia was as big as Hawke's Vale. It was a warm September night, and they were laying in bed. It was silent, but Olivia could not sleep. Adam snored beside her. Something was not right. She felt funny. She was wide awake, running her fingers over the round length of her belly. Her husband snored so loudly, and in her state, she wanted to press the pillow over his face until he woke.

Shortly after dinner, she had had a few pains, but thought nothing of it. She had pains all the time these days. At his last visit, Doctor Spurlock had said she was not full term yet, and she should reach it in the middle of October.

She breathed softly, ignoring the dull pains, and was almost asleep when there was an urgent banging on the bedroom door. 

Adam sat bolt staight, muttering, "What is it?"

"The door," she grumbled, and rose since her side was closest to it. 

"Hope Father isn't ill and in need of assistance," he replied, and laid back down. Upon reaching the door, there was a slosh of liquid down her legs. It pooled around her feet in the carpet. At first she thought the baby had moved and she had wet herself, but it smelled odd, and she knew her water had broken. 

"The baby is coming tonight, Adam," she said, nonchalant, opening the door. The head grounds keeper stood there, in his clothing.

"Mrs. Hawke, I hate to bother you and Mr. Hawke at such an hour, but--but...the barn is on fire! And it's spreading and some of the servant's quarters-"

"What?" Adam shouted. 

"The barn-and- what happened?" she cried, feeling her heart rate rise. 

"Someone caught it on fire."

"I'll be right there," Adam said, and he was suddenly behind her. "What's--what's on the carpet?"

"I told you, the baby is coming." She felt another pain, but glanced at her husband. 

"Bloody...go to bed. I'll send someone after Doctor Spurlock."

"By myself? What if something happens? What if--"

He didn't stop, but lit a candle, and began to get dressed. "Women have babies every day, my dear. You'll be fine. Keep calm and let me get this under control." He was calm, realizing that everything was replacable, and he knew that the baby would come soon, but that her hips her wide enough for giving birth and that she was ready. 

"Adam Hawke!" she cried. "I had imagined it different! You're supposed to be downstairs drinking brandy...worried and-" She stopped as another pain crept up to her, and she breathed as well as she possibly could.

"I didn't plan for the house to catch fire--is the fluid from your--er," he stopped. "Get into bed, sweetheart, I'll send one of the servants to sit with you." He swooped down suddenly, and kissed her head. "Someone either did something stupid and caught the barn aflame, or someone is trying to gain revenge."

Terror shivered through her as she pictured Rashleigh. Her husband was in the hall by then, and she ran after him. "Oh, Adam, please be careful! Come back to me as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, my love. Soon I'll be waiting for our baby to get here, drinking brandy, worried. Now. Go and get into bed." He touched her face and began to walk away, and she stood there for a minute, tears leaping to her eyes. 

"Be careful," she whispered, and hung her head, going back to bed.

As soon as he was outside, the heat of the fire was hot on his face. Adam faced the burning barn, and swallowed. 

"Hurry up and we'll get it out!" 

The servants had let the horses and the remaining livestock out just in time, and Adam sent one of the maids to sit with his laboring wife. They had wet blankets that they slapped against the walls of the flaming barn, and buckets they used to douse the flame. But it didn't seem to be working and there was yet another fire in the servant's quarters.

Who would do this to him? To his fami-

Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.

This could not be happening. This was sheer madness. Adam tossed about, directing his servants as he directed the members of his crew, to get this fire put out. He wanted this to be as quick and painless as possible so that he could get to his wife.

Rashleigh. If Rashleigh was behind this...Adam would kill him with his bare hands.

sorry this has taken so long, and that it's so short! I just have to get this out.

Keep My Heart- PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now