Chapter 20 - Malfoy Sr and interesting news

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"Jealousy is a terrible disease, get well soon,"

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I made my way back into the Gringott's Entrance hall and out towards the front door. I'm not going to lie I was worried, what if Hermione and the others now thought I was "evil". I mean I don't really care what anyone else thinks but Hermione, Harry, and Ron are low-key kinda my only friends, it would kinda suck if they turned on me.

I made my way out of Gringotts and was welcomed with not only the sight of the Weasley's and Harry but Hermione as well.

Hermione was the first to see me and quickly ran to me, engulfing me into a hug. I returned it and Hermione pulled away with a smile only for it to drop as soon as she saw my face.

"What's wrong Bella? The others said that you were going for an inheritance test but you look like you've seen a ghost," Hermione asked me now frowning.

This, unfortunately, brought everyone's attention to me.

"Are you alright dear?" Molly asked putting a caring hand on my shoulder. I cleared my throat.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Molly do mind if I talk to Hermione, Harry, and Ron quickly? We can meet you at Flourish and Blott's in about an hour is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course yes, I imagine you've got some catching up to do, we need to get Ginny's wand anyway," She said smiling. I nodded with a smile before dragging my friends to a quiet ice cream shop. Only once we were sat at a table at the back of the shop, did I notice that Harry was covered head to toe with dirt.

"What the hell happened to you, Harry?" I said struggling to cover the laughter that came from my mouth.

"I said the name funny when I Flooed, ended up in Knockturn alley," Harry said sheepishly.

"Nice," I said nodding my face covered in amusement. 

"Anyway, what did you need to tell us, you looked scared when you came out of Gringotts what happened?" Hermione said placing her hand on mine.

I took my wand out of my pocket.

"Muffliato," I said waving my wand carelessly. I had learned the spell last year and I could do it practically without thinking.

"What are you doing, we aren't supposed to do magic outside of school!" Ron whisper yelled making me roll my eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic Ronald, besides there's so much magic happening in Diagon alley the Ministry can't pinpoint who does what, that how I was able to fix Harry's glasses earlier," Hermione said as if it was obvious.

"Can we get back to the point?" Harry said ignoring Ron and Hermione.

"Yes, but just promise me you won't freak out?" I asked anxiously.

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