Chapter 28 - Enemies of the Heir Beware

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"It seems the more successful I become, the more I become the bad guy,"

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It was a few weeks later and I still hadn't told Blaise and the others about my powers, I still had worries about how they would react but at least I was no longer avoiding Blaise. Draco Malfoy had been awfully quiet recently which definitely made life easier. My magic was pretty much fully under control and I had been starting to read more on Seers, I was planning to start practising with my Seer abilities soon. 

The Slytherin Quidditch team had been avoiding me. They were all either confused about what had happened or petrified. Whispers had begun to loiter across the school, no one knew what had fully happened of course. Flint had made sure to keep that from everyone, I assumed it was to prevent the embarrassment of being beaten by a 12-year-old girl. 

But despite Flint's attempt people had begun putting one and two together, with both the Gilderoy Lockhart incident and now the Quidditch team, most people had gathered that I was a lot more than what met the eye. People had been giving me intimidated glances in the hallways and even some of the older students had been giving me curious looks. At first, my friends had tried to comfort me but I had reassured them that I wasn't upset about this newfound attention.

I was happy they were being cautious, they should be. Whether they were confused or scared, it didn't matter, all that mattered was that I hadn't even heard a whisper of the word Mudblood.

And that's how I was going to make sure it stayed. Just the thought of the foul word brought a bitter taste to my mouth. 

My friends had begun joking about Malfoy and how every time he saw me his face became the same colour as his hair.

I didn't care much for the boy's humiliation, I didn't do it to make me feel better or make me feel like I was better than him because I already knew that he was beneath me. I did this for people like Colin or Hermione, the muggle-borns who some thought less of because of their blood.

September had left as soon as it had arrived. We had celebrated both Hermione's and Blaise's Birthdays in the room of requirement. Those in the group who hadn't seen the room yet were fascinated with its abilities. Both Hermione and Blaise were very grateful for their presents and neither had taken the rings off since. Though there both were suspicious when I refused to tell them how much had spent.

Around a week after I had sent him a letter I got a reply from Remus


As I was making my way out of the common room a tapping sound caught my attention. Turning my head in the direction of the sound, I saw that Heather was outside the common room window with a letter in her beak.

I turned the latch on the window before pushing it open. I took the letter from Heather mouth and the owl hooted before flying away. Closing the window, I made my way to an armchair by the fire and sat down.

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