forty four

295 18 13


I took a deep breath in, feeling my insides squirm uncomfortably.

My hand was shaky as I starred at my phone.

Aiden: what the fuck.
Aiden: you cheated on Asher?!



Aiden's POV

"Wake the fuck up Aiden," Levi said, throwing a pillow onto my head.


"Okay I'm going without you," he said.

"No wait," I slurred, half asleep.

Levi and I were suppeod to work out together, he asked me if 6 o'clock was fine.

I'd assumed 6 PM!

"Aiden!!" He yelled, pulling my blanket off. "Dumbass," I mumbled.

"Yo shut the fuck up," Jake said,

"Okay, I'm going," Levi said.

"Mch," I slowly struggled to sit up, with my eyes still shut. Last night I was at the Stag, and my fight went pretty bad. I won, but hurt myself really bad, the best side of my torso was all bruised and messed up.

"Good, I'll meet you in the gym okay?" He said, and walked out.

Levi didn't usually like people working out with him, I don't know why he seems to be okay with this,

I got off my bed, and sleepily walked to the coat hanger, taking him shirt, and putting it onto myself.

I stretched my arms, and cracked my neck, before getting my tooth brush and energy bar, and walking out the door.

The hallway was still dark and quiet, rather peace full if you ask me, and very different than the usual yelling and screaming that you can hear even when all the doors are shut. Not to mention those few dudes that like to hang out in the corridor for no apparent reason.

I freshened up, took my phone and ear plugs, and headed to the gym, seeing the security gaurd still asleep in his chair, his hat covering his eyes as his keys hanging losely in his palm.

I frowned slightly, seeing his Jacket wrapped around him like a blanket, however, barely covering him.

It was pretty cold this time of the year, and the cold wind entering through the main door left ajar was almost directly falling onto him.

I walked outside, pulling the door shut behind me, and hurried to the gym before Levi got too angry.

"Hey," I yawned sleepily, pushing the pull door like an idiot.

"Ah finally Aiden Jeez," Levi said, as I sat down on the bench, shut my eyes, and rested my head on the wall.behind me.

"If you fall asleep here I will literally-

"I won't," I chuckled.

We weren't exactly working out together just at the same time, and we occasionally spoke.

I might be wrong, but I feel like he's just trying to make sure I don't stop working out and go back into a bad mental state again?

Around December is when things get really bad for me, and Levi knows that better than anyone.

I just hate having him pitty me or something.

After about an hour, I decided to go shower, because I had my first class with Mrs.Holler, and I wouldn't want her actually reducing my grade cause I was late to class.

Dreamland [editing]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin