fifty two

273 18 5

"What was she like?" I asked.

Adien and I ended up walking upto a small cliff. It wasn't really a treking route, but it seemed like a nice place, so we decided to sit there for a while.

Somehow we started talking about his mom, and how she'd died after meeting with an accident.

"It's weird, I know her so well, but I don't remember some parts of her. Like I know what she'd say inosy situations, but I can't really imagine her...being there," he said.

"Huh....I fell like I know what you mean," I said softly.

I looked up into the clear sky above us, and closed my eyes, enjoying the cold breeze hit my face.

"She was a really good person though. She always told me to be nice to everyone, and everyone always loved her. I mean wherever we went, people just seemed to loved her, and they were so much nicer to her than they were to my dad," he said.

"She sounds incredible," I said softly, looking our arms and resting my head on his shoulder.

"What about you, what was your dad like?" He asked.

"My dad? He was......crazy," I said.

"He was always really calm. He used to play the guitar, and he had a huge painting on his guitar, which I thought was really cool.....and he used to speak in like metaphors.....all the time, it was insane," I said, letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me.

I sighed, and looked up. The sky was really fucking beautiful. It was literally full of stars, and I was enjoying myself more than you can possibly imagine.

We sat there for a bit longer, talking, and soon after, we headed back to the hell of the hotel we were staying at.

As we headed back to our rooms, which were right beside each other, I heard the others' voices softly echo through the hallways.

We entered Aiden's room, seeing the four of them piled on top of the bed messily.

"After we get back from the hike tomorrow I'll find a place to stay," i heard Jake say momnets before we entered.

"Heyy, did you find a nice trail?" Levi asked.

"No we couldn't see much," I said, "but, I don't think the beach is far from here. We walked for a while and started hearing the sea hit the shore," I said.

"Oh wow, really? Then there's definitely a better hotel somewhere on the beach," Ryan said.

"Yeah," I scoffed.

"Come sit, we're playing go fish," Scarlett said, tying her hair in a bun.

The rest of the night was super fun. We just ended up joking around, playing games and laughing for a long time, before I fell sleep on their bed, and Ryan slept in mine instead.


"Hayley, Levi, if you don't wake up in the next 3 minutes we're leaving without you," Jacob's voice echoed through my half asleep head.

"Get up!" Aiden said, pulling mine and Levi's pillows from underneath our heads.

After another couple minutes of them yelling, I finally sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

I brushed my teeth and changed into into black running shorts and a small half sleeves grey workout top.

It took a lot of will power to not put on 9 layers of clothing because it was cold as fuck outside, however, I would eventually start to sweat, and every piece of clothing would only add to the weight we needed to carry back.

Despite the fact that Jacob and Aiden got up way before Levi and me, they took a whole lot longer to get ready.

Once we packed a couple bottles of water and whatever we needed, we headed out the dimly lit hallways, and not too long later, we walked past the 'Hudson Falls' Sign.

We walked in the dark through mud and tall grass, following a random route, which was the perfect balance between Google maps, and intuition.

"What the fuck is that?" Levi asked pointing at a small bug on the floor.

"Oh wow," I said softly, looking at the odd pattern on its wings.

"Haa the pattern looks like a turd," Levi said.

"That's rude," Jacob said, without looking. I scrunched up my nose.

"It really does," Aiden chuckled.

The sun was slowly rising, and was insanly beautiful to watch. It was also getting a little warmer, I was no longer feeling cold.

After walking for a bit longer, we reached an area that was just filled with slush and mud. It was slippery and wet, and there was really no way around it.

We were trying to reach the highest point on the mountain, and I was really excited to reach the top. Although it was sunny, clouds were already forming in the sky , and I couldn't help but hope it stayed the same.

"I don't think we can walk through that," Aiden said,

"I think we'll sink in completely, Jake try," Levi said, and Aiden and I let out a laugh.

Jacob actually did go ahead. He put his foot on the nearest rock and sort of just jumped through the whole stretch, using trees and rocks as support.

"Yeah, it's not too bad," he yelled from the other side.

Oh god.

"Alright," Levi said, and the three of us hesitantly attempted to follow whatever the fuck Jake did.

Half way through, the rocks had become more full of moss, making them even more slippery.

Adien was infront of me, and suddenly slipped on one of the rocks. However, moments before he fell , he caught onto a branch, and I burst out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up," he laughed with me.

Once we somehow made it to the other side, we were faced with yet another stretch of slime, moss and slippery mud. We did manage to reach the other side, but once we crossed the second stretch, it was evident that we'd all fallen into the mud at least once.

I was a generaly clumsy person, which I obviously won't admit to out loud. But that along with the moss was already impossible for me.

Not only that, but I couldn't stop laughing the entire time, which made me extra susceptible to tripping and falling.

What can I say! Seeing Jake, Levi and Aiden slipping was easily one of the funniest things I've seen over the last couple years.

Once we reached the other end of that stretch we had a nice laugh, and decided to sit for a couple minutes. We used some water to clean up a little, and took a small break.

For some reason the three of them were almost fully covered in mud, I wasn't that as bad though, so when they cleaned up I tried finding the correct route.

"Guys there's a gap in the map from here till the next.....landmark," I hesitated, seeing Aiden put his shirt back on.

"There's only two ways from here, has to be one of them," Jacob said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go this way, I'll come back in 10," I said, and began walking into one of the lanes.

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