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Finally after another week of school, on a Friday night, Levi, Scarlett and I went out for dinner. I wanted to get some paints which I didn't find by the way, and Levi and Scarlett needed things as well, so we all went uptown, and have a fancy dinner.

Before we headed back, Jake called Levi and told us that they were at the Stag, so we decided to go.
A couple people from school were competing and I had nothing better to do anyway.

Again, I found myself looking stupid in a dress, not appropriate for the location at all.

Everything was going fine,until suddenly everything took a fucking crazy turn.

I was walking back from the washroom with Levi, when suddenly we noticed that a huge fight had broken out.

"Shit, what the fuck," Levi said,

"You don't want to fucking go there Wesley," I heard at a distance.

Jacob Wesley....

Levi and I instantly turned our heads together, seeing Jacob being held by his collar. He held his arms up in defence.
We walked closer to them, and.

Out of no where, this is guy thre his hand forwards, completely knocking Jake out. Maybe it was because he didn't see it coming, but Jake fell onto the floor with his nose bleeding.

Aiden and Scarlett immediately sat down, checking to see if Jacob was okay, and instinctively, I stepped forward, stupidly getting myself and Levi, who followed (in attempt to stop me,) into the middle of this fight.

"Oh look, Jones and Levi, y'all got the full gang here,"

"Who was it I can't remember, Devan on Malcome that you fucked? Or was it both," he smirked at me,

"wesley take care of your little injury before your father sees. God knows what he'll do to you, if he knows what you've been upto,"

Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.

I did it.

I punched him.

I shut my eyes instantly regretting it.

"Huh," he scoffed, "woah, this bitch-

Next thing I knew, everyone was fucking out right fighting. Suddenly, I heard cop sirens. We were fucked.

People were running around, beating each other up, it was messy.

Out of nowhere, someone rammed themselves into me, running their fist painfully into my stomach.

I groaned hitting the floor.

I stood up as fast as I could, and took one of my heels in my hand, stabbing him in the shoulder, instead of fucking running, another dumb thing I did because my ego was too fucking big for my own good.

"You fucking slut," he said, grabbing my wrist and pushing me harshly against the wall. My hand hit the railing behind me, extremely painfully, as he moved an inch closer to me.

"Eww What the fuck," I yelled, shoving my knee up, and kicking him where the sun don't shine.

He stumbled back a few feet, and got back up to his full 6 feet moments later.

Aiden stood in front of me moments later, "fuck, are you okay?" He asked, and before I could warn him, he flinched as the other guy from earlier drove his fist painfully into Aiden's back.

Aiden grunted then turned around punching the guy in in the face. Hard. He fell over onto the floor, and was completely knocked out.

"We need to fucking leave," he said,

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